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After being cleared to finally escape the bed she'd been sentenced to for barely twenty-four hours, the first thing Eloise did was bathe. After the time spent in the hot water, the starburst of scar tissue on her side had gone an irritated pink. Her limbs were stiff as she quickly towelled herself dry, but she didn't care. The burn of her muscles was welcome after the pain of remaining sedentary. 

Of course, her improved health meant she'd most likely have to face Hermione and Draco for their daily row instead of working quietly in the comfort of her own room. 

She'd wanted to see Neville and Professor Sprout, but apparently, the two had left for Muriel's old manor house quickly after their arrival, and Luna had only stayed to keep an eye on Eloise, so she'd had to waste her time on the ever Indecipherable Puzzle while she'd waited for her body to heal. 

With both hands holding up the towel she was vigorously rubbing into her scalp, she bumped the door to her room fully open, so she could enter. 

It took her an embarrassingly long moment to realize she wasn't alone in her room. She jumped when she caught sight of the mop of red hair like she'd stuck her wand in an electrical socket. "Merlin." Eloise let the towel fall from her hair to hang uselessly in one hand as she pressed the other to her heart. "I think we should put a bell on you."

Charlie's answering laugh made her stomach lurch pleasantly. He jerked his chin to the bowl that sat on the bedside table he was leaning against, munching on his own breakfast. He raised his own spoon with a grin, "I brought breakfast and the board in case you'd fancy a game."

She most certainly would fancy another game of chess in which he'd thoroughly trounce her, and she'd stare at the small, almost imperceptible white scars that flecked his face and neck like the freckles that covered every area of available skin. She would feel worse about her staring if he wasn't such a thrill to look at. 

"I think I can manage that." Eloise found herself smiling at him shyly as she hung the towel on a small hook within the wardrobe she didn't have enough clothes to bother using. She self-consciously tugged at the wet tangles of her hair as she settled herself atop her bed and reached forward to snag the bowl that waited for her. With a surreptitious peek, she saw that he'd added an extra spoonful of sugar. She had no idea how he'd guessed, but she didn't want to look the gift horse in the mouth. 

With a wave of her wand, she'd transfigured one of the many horrible pink throw pillows into a wooden board for Charlie to set up the chess set on. She gave a wave of her hand towards the spot he'd taken the previous morning, giving him permission to sit. 

Charlie mirrored her sitting position of crossed legs for all of three seconds before he adjusted his long legs into what seemed to be a more comfortable position. Watching him juggle the bowl and settle in the blankets reminded her of a cat trying to find the perfect spot for a nap. 

When she let out a small chuckle, he wrinkled his nose in her direction.

Just like that, he'd eased her into the familiarity that came with his presence. She didn't understand what the hell she was doing with her friend's brother on her bed in the early hours of the morning, but it didn't matter because it felt so right.

 She didn't understand what the hell she was doing with her friend's brother on her bed in the early hours of the morning, but it didn't matter because it felt so right

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