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I know its short but i wanted to give you guys something plus i wanted to cut it off at that point and this goes out to the crazy girl who spoke her mind

Chapter 11

Dylan’s POV

I’ve been looking for my mate for nearly two hours, ever since the ref guy said go he was gone. In my search I shot 15 people, granted 11 of them had already been shot, and were headed back to the base, and on another note I just realized they all had been hit by the same color of paint. Was that my mates doing, I didn’t pay attention to when he told the guy what color paint we wanted. I kept walking while trying to remember what color paint Jay chose because if indeed this was his doing of eliminating all these people then, then my mate just got way hotter the way he can handle a gun and if I back track the direction these guys were coming from I could probably find where he is.

I was engrossed in my thoughts that, I didn’t hear the person who just shot me get this close.

“Guess this mean you’re sexy,” wait that lyrical voice, my mate. I turned around and saw those deep mesmerizing brown eyes it was him, then I took a deep breath and…..his scent……. I sniffed again, was…... once more, tainted. I grabbed him and pushed up against the tree I dove my face into his neck he had a mixture of scents on him, but a distinct one was another guy. I was about to demand he tell me who he was with but, I didn’t realize he had taken off his mask and when I looked at his face all I could focus on was his lips. He must have read my mind because next thing his lips crashed down in mine, I was in euphoria because of the electricity and the way our lips moved together. BUT WAIT!!!!!!! There is another taste on his lips like someone else kissed him, I try to figure out who but he must have thought I was taking too long because he took control of the kiss and forced his tongue into my mouth he moaned and I forgot what I was thinking about, the only thing I could focus on was tracing the shape of my mates tonsils with my tongue. After a while we pull apart for air.

“Why don’t we get out of here I'm starving,” my mate says.

“Is the game over,” I wondered because if not he was still in it.

“I don’t think there are any more people, I was wondering around looking for people when I found you,” he said looking into my eyes. Just then a twig snapped to the left of me, we both turned our heads to see a guy trying to sneak up on us with his rifle. He was about to take aim to shoot Jay, even though I'm out of the game I was about to jump in front of my mate so he wouldn’t get hit and I could seem more manlier; but before either of us could accomplish our goals, Jay somehow took out his second handgun and shot the guy three times in the chest with deadly accuracy, even though the guy was sneaking up on us he was still at least 50 feet away.

“Now I'm pretty sure that was the last guy so I think we can go now,” then my mate turned and walked off to some song playing in through his headphones. Again I stood stunned as he left replaying that remarkable shot.

When I finally snapped out of it and got back to camp Jay was having his picture taken for besting the high score of the amount of players eliminated by a single person. I started to take my gear off as I watched him think of a pose for the picture and it just made a tent rise in my pants. He finally finished and had taken off his stuff but I had questions.

“You obviously do this a lot,” I said as we were leaving.

“Not really I only went once before with friends,” he responded nonchalantly.

“But you broke that guys record,” I retorted.

“Not by much,” he defended.

“You call by 60 not much,” I laugh a little, “how are you such a good shot, if you have only gone once before.”

“I have only gone paint balling once before,” he starts, “my uncle in the city takes me to the shooting range all the time, plus I took trig this pass year so I know how to hit anything with anything, with the right calculations.” So my mate was also a brain by the way he dresses and acts he would seem more like the slacker type.

We finally reach the car a I turn around and lean on it and he leans on me.

“So what do you mean hit anything,” I ask flirting.

“Well I can hit this,” he says when he presses my side and it tickles, “I can hit this,” he then kisses down on my sweet spot making Demetri want to come out and either rip the car door off or take his right here in the parking lot, the only problem he has with the latter is others would see him naked but he doesn’t help at all because then he says, “I can also hit here,” then he presses down on this pressure point and instant raging hard on. I was about to open the door so that he could get in and we could go but when I sniffed, I smelled someone who I wish I didn’t. I turn to face them

“Eric what are you doing here,” I say with vats of venom spewing at him.

“Calm down I'm just here to return these,” says then he hands Jay a pair of handcuffs, I was totally confused, when had he given him those and why was Eric here at the center. He winked  at Jay then started to walk off, then it all came rushing at me and I hit it like a Irish drunk Chinese driver with Godzilla in the way (no offense to any Irish or Chinese readers); that different smell on him earlier that other taste in his mouth that was him. I knew I didn’t even have to look in the cars reflection to see it, my eyes were glowing, and they were glowing for one reason.


Tell me what you think i hope to have the next chapter up within the next few days so you know how it goes comment, fan, vote. 

Oh and the song is what Jay was walking off to after his last shots.

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