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This chapter goes out to another awesome boyxboy writer TheCookieMonster

Chapter 5

When we got up to my house I saw both my parents and the alpha sitting on the porch waiting for the car.

‘Great there goes my plan of escaping,’ I thought when I saw this talk was inevitable.

“Uncle Mack you’re not gonna make me do this are you,” I asked hoping he would hear the pleading in my voice, and get me out of here, but he squashed those hopes like an ant.

“I would have just let it be, if you had not almost shifted in the middle of a very busy store and exposed yourself and us; for that, they need to be involved,” he said as he nodded to my parents.

The look on my dad’s face said he would kill me if I did something wrong. We got out of the car and I kept my head down and walked up the steps with my uncle in tow.

“What did he do,” I heard my mother’s voice. It was sweet I heard the strictness of it, but I also heard the concern she had for me. In that moment I couldn’t find my voice, but my uncle, the evil bastard spoke up.

“Why don’t we go inside and talk.” Sure you help now where was this help before we got here. My parents opened the door and then I walked in, followed by them, then my uncle, and the alpha came in last, I forgot he was there, or more like I never looked up to see him. My parents had me sit down on the sofa, this way there was enough room for them all to stare and berate me.

“Talk, tell us what you did,” now it was my father who spoke, and his voice had me shrinking back inside myself.

I tried to talk, but nothing came out. My tongue felt as if was stretched, knotted, stapled to my jaw then set on fire, and nothing I did helped. My dad was about to start yelling at me, but this nice uncle, who just recently appeared, jumped in to help me.

“Well, your son almost shifted in the middle of a bust Wal-Mart when…,” but he was cut off by the rants of my parents and the alpha. I couldn’t really make out everything they said or distinguish the different voices, but o caught a few think like exposure, stupid, trouble, and grounded. Basically add those together and you get…. I’m screwed.

“How could you be so stupid as to almost shift in the middle of the store,” my dad barked at me.

“I lost control,” I said meekly I still couldn’t look at the three adults glaring down at me.

“You lost control, that’s it YOU LOST CONTROL,” when I finally get the courage to look up I see my father like one of those cartoon bulls, heaving chest, flaring nostrils, red eyes; all he needs is a nose ring and steam to come out and he’s all set.

“Dave calm down he isn’t finished,” he then turns to me, “tell them why you lost control.” Great he was gonna make me tell them, I wanted to yell at him, I mean he called this meeting why couldn’t he tell them.

“I found my mate,” I said, but it was so low a mouse’s sneeze would have been louder.

“Speak up boy we didn’t catch that,” said the alpha. Damn it what is the point of heightened hearing when you’re not going to use it.

“I found my mate,” this time I said with more conviction. It was weird after I said that all hostility left and they were all just happy for me, can anyone say bipolar.

“YEEES, grandkids,” goes my mother. Damn I just told her and she already plans on me having kids.

“Congratulations, Dylan,” says the alpha. I nod my head and look towards my father.

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