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  • Dedicated to To all my loyal fans

Jay’s POV

I don’t know how long I was out, but I don’t think it was long. When I started coming through my senses turned on one at a time. I felt I was on something hard like the ground, I felt the sun shining down on me, and the slight breeze going across my skin. I had this slight delicious taste in my mouth, then when I smelled the air there was a combination of sweaty dog and vanilla. When I could hear again I heard people murmuring all around me. Then lastly when I opened my eyes to see what was occurring around me and I got the shock of my life. Everywhere I looked there were people, and most of the people were naked fully exposed naughty bits. I looked up to see there were three naked guys around my head, so I did the only logical thing I could think of………….I screamed. When I did the naked guys around my head reached for me, but I was like “OH HELL NAW” I hopped up and went towards the small group of clothed people.

“What the fuck is going on here,” I yelled looking around, “why are you all naked, why was there huge man meat near my face.”

“Baby look at me,” Dylan said, “we can explain.”

“What are you nudist, are you trying to rape me that ain’t happening today,” I yelled.

“Jay,” it was Eric this time, “we have to tell you something. We’re werewolves.”

“NO YOU’RE NAKED,” I corrected him.

“No we can shift into wolves,” Eric explained.

“So you’re wolves because you’re naked.”

“No we’re naked because we’re wolves,” said the new guy.

“That makes NO SENSE!” then all three of these guys tried to come closer, but I backed up. They stepped again and Dylan said, “Let me hold you,” making the other two start to growl at him, but I backed up again. I couldn’t back up any more because I was currently pressed up against the chest of the guy who tried, and failed, to make me stay earlier. They saw I couldn’t back up anymore and they came towards me.

“WILL YOU PLEASE GO PUT ON SOME CLOTHES,” I yelled at them. This made them think of what they had been trying to do this whole time. They turned around and headed in three different directions I'm guessing to their own houses. When I thought they were far enough away I made a beeline for my truck, the door was still open and the keys were on the seat. I thought I was going to get out of here doing a little song and dance in my head, when I was one foot from the door, I was stopped. I don’t know how but one second my feet are running towards my car then all of a sudden I'm looking at someone’s butt.

‘Yea you ain’t going anywhere’ said my brain.


I started kicking and punching the guy who as carrying me like a sack of flour back to the group of people from before. I moved my leg a kicked with all the might I could muster before my foot could make contact he caught it.

“Hey not in the crown jewels,” he said. Wait I know that voice.

“Mack, what are you doing put me down,” I yelled at him.

“No can do, the boss wants to talk.” Damn I've got to get out of here, who knows what these perverts want with me. Maybe I can get Mack to drop me, but how think…think your window is closing. CONCUSSION!!!! If I can hit him over the head hard enough and jolt his brain maybe that’ll do; naw with all the muscles in his neck his head wouldn’t probably move to shake his brain. Come on James you have to think, you have no idea what these weirdoes have planned for you, what if they are going to sacrifice me, or eat me, or sacrifice me to eat. I don’t want my life to end that way, in my obituary wandered into woods and ran into “nudist cult community,”  I hope they don’t do it naked I don’t need to be traumatized anymore. I'm not saying that they look horrid, quite the opposite I'm just saying who could take the sight of several dozen hairy shlongs and fuzzy va-jay-jays all at once when you just wake up from fainting, I CAN’T!

In all this ranting in my mind the window to escape slammed shut, padlocked, drawn the curtains, and put two sexy I'm assuming “werewolves” I front of the door, Mack had walked across the field we were in before up some stairs into a house with some nice décor, red shag carpets, black leather reach around recliner sofa, 80in television, kick ass surround sound. So I decided trying to get out of the clutches of Mack were futile but I will give everyone hell when they put me down.

When they set me down in a room with black hardwood floors, white walls, ceiling high bookcases, large bay windows, and a giant wooden desk, I admired the room first but then when I realized how stupid that was to do in my situation I focused on the people. In the room on the left side was my asshole boss who dragged me in here, Mack on his right was that woman who tried to boss me around slightly glaring at me, whatever bitch you don’t scare me. Sitting at the desk was that other muscular guy who looked like and older Eric so I’m assuming these two people are his parents, on the left of the man behind the desk is another muscular man with a look of curiosity, why the hell is every guy in this place have melon sized biceps. Finally to his left stood another women, she seemed nicer than Ms. Bitchy-pants over there, she looked at me with a mixture of sympathy, confusion, and worry. Maybe I can get her to let me go, I’ll have to get her alone first though.

“What are you,” said big Eric.

Let the gates to hell open.

“I’m a Scorpio through and through, but sometimes I feel like a Sagittarius what about yourselves,” I put on the fakest smile.

“Stop playing around and answer the damn question what species are you,” spouts Ms. Bitchy-pants. By the way everyone in the room is looking at her I can assume that an outburst like that is very unusual from her.

“Sapien, as in Homo Sapien, I can speak slower if it’s too difficult for you maybe I should set up a slide show.” My words pissed her off so much she gripped the desk so hard you could hear the wood cracking, this chick is on steroids.

It looked as if she was about to jump over the desk and choke me out but just then Eric walked in wearing just a pair of basketball shorts that let me see all of his muscles, sculpted abs, nice V, and a treasure trail that leads from his belly button into his waistband. I realize what I have been doing all this time and look up to see Eric’s eyes are slightly glowing, I think he saw me eye humping him and I think he wants to return the favor in a more physical way.

Someone cleared their throat and I turned to see it was big Eric, the demon was still next to him seething and glaring at me.

“Jay, my name is Alpha Mason, you are most definitely not human,” he said to me in a nice tone.

“Look Mr. Mason, wait Mason I thought Eric’s last name is Rayns,” I turned to look at Eric then I turned back to the others, I was confused shouldn’t father and son have the same last name.

“It is,” he responded, “Alpha is a title among our people.”

“Whatever I’m not gonna think about that right now,” I said since I didn’t have the patience, “You’re right, I’m not human,” when I said that it had everyone looking at me in anticipation, “I actually come from a planet of purple and teal skinned aliens where the men have huge boobs and long flowing hair, right now I’m wearing a device that shields my appearance.” This made Eric start smiling and out the corner of my eye I saw Mack trying to hold in a laugh. But, I guess not everyone has a sense of humor, enter Ms. Bitchy-pants.

“If you don’t start to answer these questions seriously I will break your arm in four different places,” she said to me I saw she wanted to yell but I guess she was trying to regain her composure. I was about to respond when I heard a deep growl coming from next to me and two more from the door, I turned to see Dylan and naked guy standing there in similar clothing to Eric.

Then it was weird, all of their eyes were glowing and they stared directly at Ms. Bitchy-pants and spoke at the same time, “If you touch him I will kill you,” it was both creepy and hot at the same time. They were pulling some children of the corn type stuff, but they were also defending me. I was so confused I didn’t know whether to cower in fear or take my pants off. UUGGHHH, who are these people and what are they doing to me?

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