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Chapter 3

Unknown POV

This was crazy all today I couldn’t stand still, I kept fidgeting, and it felt like my skin was crawling so I kept scratching myself when my dad saw me he asked if I was on drugs, I told him no but he didn’t believe me so he had one of the pack doctors run a drug test. I didn’t know what was wrong or how to make it better, I knew running would make it somewhat better, but I wasn’t letting my wolf out because he wanted to be a dick and hasn’t talked to me all day except for the temper tantrum he threw after I made us come back home.

James’ POV

I woke up and looked at my phone to see what time it was. It said it was 5:50 am, that pissed me off why does this always happen I set an alarm, but I wake up before it goes off. Since there is no point in going back to sleep I get up and start to get ready, I take a shower using my suave simply silk because it smells like vanilla and then I washed my hair with my champagne kiss shampoo.

I get out of the shower than go back to my room to choose what I want to wear today. I chose a pair of black jeans, a black and white cloth belt, a white tee with a black pentagram on the back (not satanic, religious, or wiccan just like the shirt), and my all black leather All Star Hi-tops. Then I also chose to put on my wristbands, pull my slightly long hair back and put it in a hair band and then hook a chain to one my belt loops then hook it onto my wallet.

Most people think I'm the everyday run of the mill gay that dress in rainbows, has a high pitched voice, knows everything about fashion, and throws glitter everywhere they walk. No as previously stated I hate bright colors, although my voice isn’t Barry White it most definitely is nowhere near high pitched, I can’t tell Prada from Gucci clothes are clothes to me, and I would only throw glitter in your face to blind you. You could say I'm a bit showy about my sexuality but it depends on my mood on how I act.

I finish up and I grab my phone and my headphones and check to see that it was 6:30 so decided to leave out and grab something to eat there or on the way. I leave out my room and walk down the hall to the front door and stop to grab the keys with the Mercedes symbol on them. I lock the door from the inside then I close it and head to the car, I program in the address and I'm on my way.

I've been driving for a while and all I've seen are trees, trees, and more trees. Some times I come upon a road leading to houses behind the trees, then there’s a sign that says there’s a McDonald’s coming up so I check the time and the map and it’s only 7:20 and the map says I'm 15 minutes away so I decide to stop at the drive through and order two sausage biscuits with cheese, a hash brown, and a medium orange juice, I ate my food on the rest of the drive there. I pulled into the parking lot and saw that it was semi full, early shoppers, I looked at the time and I saw that I was about ½ an hour early; my uncle told me to look for a guy named Mack. When I walked in the front door I was astounded, this place was huge. I was walking over to customer services when I saw the directory and I was blown away, this place had a department for everything, from newborn toys to firearm sales.

I went to the first person I saw at the customer service station to ask for help. She was a middle aged lady maybe late 30’s with blonde hair with some gray growing in it. She had nice full lips but was wearing way too much pink lip stick; she had on a red shirt and white pants and the traditional Wal-Mart blazer.

“Hi I’m looking for Mack,” I tell her.

She eyes me up and down then makes that ‘mmmhmm’ noise, I give her the quick once over, like what’s your problem, I don’t feel like a fight this early in the morning especially with an old lady. Then she points to some guy on the other side of the station. I roll my eyes at her then walked away, when I got close to the guy I saw that he was quite…hot, he was very muscular with a slight tan, he had a soap patch on his chin, short spiky hair, under his blazer he was wearing a tight white tee that complimented his chest and abs and he had tattoos on his arms.

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