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Maria's POV:

It has been almost a month since the whole park thing. Alex kept on insisting that I tell Elizabeth. But I just couldn't get myself to do so. Don't ask why, I don't know either.

"What took you so long. I was worried sick something bad happened to you." Elizabeth said as fast as I got in.

"I'm sorry,I met Alex on the way back and we talked and I didn't notice how much time has passed." I lied trying so hard not to have a breakdown. I feel so back for lying to my best friend.

"Why didn't you call or text?"  She asked. "I-I my phone died." I showed her my phone that I powered off just in case.

"Oh I see." She replied yawning. "So did you guys have a good time?"

"Yeah, we talked about some things."

"And none of them was the possibility of you guys dating?" She said laughing.

"No. And go to sleep. You have class tomorrow at 8am."

I haven't left the house the first week after it happened. Then I did, but not at night. The man was in jail now. Or at least that's what Hades told me.

I go out at night. But never alone. I don't care whatever happens or whatever I need. I'm not going out at night alone. Unless someone I care about is in danger, unconscious, or dead.

"Girl. When was the last time we went clubbing?" Elizabeth asked and she was actually right. We haven't done anything fun for so long.

"A long time." I replied. I didn't want to give her an answer. I didn't know whether I want to go or not.

"So what do you say, Ria? Shall we dress up slutty and drink our problems away?" 

"I don't know Liz."

"Oh come on. Girl it's Friday night! What else will we do? Sit around and watch Friends? That's lame."

"I mean I could paint."

"Can't you take a break? You've been using this painting excuse to avoid going places so many time already." She said shaking her head in disapproval. "Plus, I asked James and he said he was free. He can bring Alex. Consider it as a double date.. except none of us are actually dating."

The sound of Hades coming was enough to make me want to go. We haven't really seen eachother ever since that night. Only texted. Maybe I should go?

"Yeah.. I'll go." I said and she immediately gave me an ear to ear smile.

I love it when she smiles.

"That's my girl! Here, bring it here." She opened her arms welcoming me for a hug. And who am I to refuse her hugs?

"You know, you remind me of Ella Lopez from the Netflix show Lucifer." I told her.

"Really? Not so long ago you said I reminded you of Maze."

"I'd say you're a 50 50 mix of the both."

"Is this the nice way to tell someone they're bipolar?"

"I don't know. Is it?"

"Fuck you." She said smacking the back of my

"Ow. That really hurt."

"Because I wanted it to."

"Okay. Okay. What should we wear??"

"Glad you asked. I was thinking something black and long but still hella classy." She knows me too well.

"That sounds amazing. What will you be wearing?"

"Remember that white dress that I used last Halloween for the whole angel costume? I'm gonna pair it with a cute necklace I found and some cute high heels."


Maria's outfit

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