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Maria's POV

"Good afternoon." Sarah greeted when I walked in.

"Afternoon." I replied but not before giving her a little food box that had about 3 big pieces of last night's cake.

"Oh my. Thank you for bringing me some cake. What's the occasion?" She didn't remember my birthday? So unlike her.

"It was my birthday yesterday." I replied, I didn't want to make a whole scene out of it. Even though i was pretty hurt by the fact she didn't remember, but oh well.

"It was? I totally forgot." She apologized and I told her it was alright.

"I'm just kidding. Of course I didn't forget my Maria's birthday. Especially her 20th birthday." She said pulling out a little wrapped box from her drawer.

The inner child in me wants to jump around and start dancing but new decade new me I guess. I gotta grow up and all that bullshit.

I opened it as fast as she gave it to me to reveal a cute little bracelet that had my name on it. Cute. Honestly anything this woman gives me is appropriated. Not my fault I get attached to any mother figure I meet, give me a break.

I thanked her and she pulled her notebook. Oh no. Here we go again.

"So tell me Maria, I could tell you were bothered by the fact that I didn't remember your birthday. Yet, you Played it, or at least tried to play it cool."

"Well.. I wanted you to remember my birthday but I wasn't gonna make a big thing out of it. Like I wasn't gonna go all crazy about something little."

She nodded and wrote something in her notebook. Passive aggressive.

We talked for some time and I told her about me starting to date Hades and she was super happy about it. Which she should be.

Time passed so fast and I found myself leaving her office.

I was walking down the street when I felt a buzzing sensation in my jacket. It was a text from Hades.

Hades 👦🏻



Funny. But seriously are you free?


Let's go get something to eat.


Alright I'll come pick you up.
Be ready by 3.


Next up. Something to wear.

Unfortunately, I couldn't ask Eliza to pick me an outfit because she's not here. Great.

Okay Maria, focus. It's not that hard to put an outfit together.

I tried to pick a cute outfit but couldn't. I always ended up with a hideous looking shirt and pants. So I did what anyone in my situation would do. I resorted to our lord and savior. Pinterest.

After searching or Pinteresting if you will, I found a good looking outfit which I had similar looking clothes to replicate.

I did my makeup which was consisted of some foundation, concealer, blush, some eyeliner because it's a must and some gloss to top it all up.

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