Happy ending

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Because you deserve it and because I missed them so much.


Maria's POV:

"Okay, I told everyone the plan, get it moving. Seabass!" I pointed my finger at him causing his head to snap from his phone to me in a matter of milliseconds. He nodded for me to continue, "you do the decorations, I want everything to be perfect! Elizabeth will be in charge of getting the cake I pre-ordered, one is a normal and the other is an ice cream cake so be quick and careful with it." I ordered, James was somewhat paying what I was saying attention, meanwhile Liz wasn't showing the least signs of interest whatsoever.

I don't care if she doesn't, but if she fucks something up I swear to god.

"And what are you doing to do exactly?" James questioned, I rolled my eyes because I already explained this ten times already. "Oh my god, do you have a brain of a fucking fish? I said I was going to be the one to get Hades out the house and distract him long enough for you lazy people to do what you were told to do."

"Wow Maria, no need to get all defensive." He's right.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I just want everything t be perfect for Hades's birthday." I apologized, I really wasn't acting like myself at all,

I feel like something bad is going to happen to me, or worse, to Hades.

James told me that it was okay, "he doesn't care about birthdays to be honest, you don't have to stress over it that much." He added.

"Oh no, did something in his childhood happen causing him to dislike his birthday?"

"No, he just thinks they're stupid and a waste of money." Oh

I scoffed at the lack of spice in his answer, I was hoping I would learn something new about Hades today but I guess not.

Good thing I already know everything there is to know about him already. I mean...if he was a secret agent or like a mafia leader or something and he has been hiding it from me, I wouldn't exactly mind, as long as I get to do all the cool stuff like shooting people and stuff,


Things were going smoothly so far, I went to get all the ingredients I needed to make Hades' onion soup, I did make it and surprisingly enough, I did not burn the whole kitchen down. While that was cooking I was working on the little painting I was giving him, I guess you can say that it's a self portrait because technically I am in it, but then again, I'm not the only one in it so I'm guessing calling a self portrait isn't right? I don't know to be honest, it's a painting nonetheless.

I got dressed in the second outfit I picked today, I really like it and thought I looked cute in it and whatnot, I told Hades to meet me at the park. Elizabeth already went with James to his and Hades' apartment and are are supposed to be working at the decoration and preparing everything, or at leas I hope they are.

Hades is late, and to my great dismay this night had to be a cold one, because I am freezing here, and I'm usually someone who doesn't get cold that often, I am that one person to be wearing a skirt in winter and complain about how hot it is and that everyone's overreacting.

Yes, indeed that one annoying stubborn person at your school, that's me!

"Hello, Marie." I heard a voice say behind me and I stiffed in my place, the chills that ran down my back caused me to not move an inch, I was terrified.

I slowly turned around to be met with no other than Xavier.

You know that one you would pay money to never see ever again? That's Xavier in my case.

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