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Maria's POV:

"What? How?" James said impressed.

I reached for the ground and picked nothing then gave it to him. "Here, your jaw." I gave it to him and he took it, placing it back in it's position.

"Aren't you girls supposed to not know how football works?" He said throwing the controller on the couch, which landed on Hades who was scrolling down his phone. Probably stalking Madison Beer's Instagram account.

"What can I say? Maybe you just suck." Liz came back with s'mores. Yess.

"S'mores? Liz you're a goddess." I told her while she put the plate down. Everyone went for one. When Hades did she took the plate away from him. "No no, no s'mores for you." He looked like a little kid whom his toys were taken from him. I felt bad so I gave him the one I had in my hand. He took it and ate it, his eyes lit up. Such a kid.

"Thanks love." He said after finishing it. I saw James heading for a second one. I took it from him and ate it before he can react. "Hey what's that for?" He objected.

"Yeah Ria, not cool." Oh? Now Liz wants to be on his side? I didn't say anything when she took that plate away from my boyfriend.

"It's only fair, my boyfriend only gets one s'more, and your boyfriend shall get the same treatment."

Oh you didn't know? Liza and James are dating. Yeah, I know not that great of a surprise. I mean come on, we all knew it. I personally knew it they were more than friends when we were at that club.

"I have to tell you something." She said bursting in my room.


"James asked me to be his girlfriend." She said excited. "Oh my god, finally." We started jumping around the room screaming incoherent words. The room was already a mess but it became a bigger one.

"Finally in a relationship. No more whoring around. And I don't have to watch over you when drunk anymore! Yay." I acknowledged.

She soon stopped and looked at me with her hand on her chest. "Umm excuse you? If anyone here takes care of the other person it's me you."

"Whatever floats your boat darling."

"Thanks for sticking up for me love." Hades hugged me bringing me closer to him. "That's my job."

"I'm gonna go make us popcorn for the movie." Hades said getting up. Dropping my hand. The one that was on his. He dropped my fucking hand.

I followed him to the kitchen. "Listen here Kingston. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you don't fucking drop my hand." I started arguing. He just looked at me trying to comprehend whatever the fuck I was talking about. "What?" He asked.

"Y-you dropped my fucking hand, I-I don't even know these people, they're all older than me, I feel outta place.. and you dropped my hand, I mean.. what was supposed to do with that?" I went on. The poor thing still has no idea.

"Those people? What are you talking about? They're Elizabeth and James."

"You're making me feel real stupid right now Kingston, you know that?"

"I'm sorry?" He half asked half apologized. I feel so bad.

"Relax, it's a scene from the movie all too well directed by Taylor Swift."

"Oh." He sighed. "But seriously, don't drop my hand, like ever. That's the thing that made Taylor Swift and jake whatever his last name is break up."

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