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If I had guessed how this morning would play out, holding Celeste's hair back while she vomits in the toilet would be the last one.

Last night, she had too much to drink after I had cut myself off and drag her back home. I helped her change into her pyjamas and tucked her into bed, then proceeded to stay with her when she asked me to. This morning, I woke up to one of her legs tossed over me before she was getting up and running into the bathroom to empty her stomach contents.

This breakup is affecting her much more than she's willing to let on, and I can see that now. She can be a very closed person when it comes to these kinds of things, and she'll go on pretending everything is okay, but I can see through this easily. When she gets like this, the best thing that i can do for her is be there and hope she'll come to me if she needs anything. I've come to learn that if I try to push her to open it, it'll somehow make her even more reluctant to talk.

"I feel like there are little elves inside my brain, hitting my head with a sledgehammer over and over again," She groans, resting her head on her hands.

"Very interesting description there," I nod my head and rub her back in slow circles.

"I need a shower," she mumbles, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and grabbing the mouthwash from under the counter. I lean on the doorframe as she gargles it and spits it in the sink, rinsing her mouth out. Her eyes are slightly red, with smeared mascara that she had failed to take off last night.

"I'll go make us some breakfast then." I shut the bathroom door and retreat down the hallway, hearing the shower turn on just as I walk into the kitchen. We haven't had the chance to do groceries this week yet, so the only thing I have to make for us is eggs and toast, which works out in my favour since the eggs expire in a few days anyway.

"Hey, is she okay up there? She doesn't sound too good." Grace enters the kitchen, pointing a finger to the ceiling, referring to Celeste upstairs, still in the shower.

"Hey, look who's finally home," I tease. "And she just had a little too much to drink last night. I think Dean had something to do with it."

"God, he's such a sleaze," she rolls her eyes at the mention of his name and slides into one of the stools. "It didn't him too long to move on, either. Did you see him with that girl yesterday?" I nod my head solemnly, glancing down the hallway to see if Celeste had appeared, but she was still in the shower. "Do you think she saw him?" Gracie asks in concern.

I shrug my shoulders, "I tried to keep her away from there, so I don't think she did. But she's bound to find out eventually."

I crack the eggs into the frying pan and scramble them, putting the toast in the toaster and trying my best to make sure that nothing burns. Surprisingly, I manage to cook breakfast unscathed, with toast that I would consider to be borderline burnt, but still edible. I doubt that they'll care since this is all we have to eat for today at the moment, at least until we can find the time to go shopping.

When Celeste immerses from the bathroom, she makes her way downstairs in a fluffy bathrobe and a towel on her head, sitting down and eating the breakfast I made with no complaints. Today I have plans to hit the library to try and get some work done, which means I'll have to head out soon. Grace plans on staying home today, which means I don't have to worry too much about Celeste since she'll be home to keep an eye.

When I make my way upstairs, I check the weather and realize that it's a bit on the chillier side today, so I plan my outfit accordingly. I change into a pair of dark straight leg jeans, a thin white long sleeve, and a black sweater vest on top. My usual necklaces rest on my shirt, and I slide a few rings on my fingers. I pull my hair back from my face with a clip and grab my laptop off the charger, as well as a few things from my desk.

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