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I decided, in a spur of the moment, to finally text Nico.

I've been meaning to for a while, but with all the work I've been busy with I haven't even so much as given it a second thought. But when Celeste spotted the post it note on the bulletin board above my desk, she demanded she knew more details, then practically begged me to reach out, so I did. And he responded.

Now, we're sitting across each other over a cup of coffee, which he so generously offered to pay for.

Celeste practically forced herself into my closet before I came, tossing me a pear of brown pants and a black long-sleeved shirt, demanding a simple, "Here, wear this." She then proceeded to convince me to wear some makeup, which is something I never do because A) don't have the time, and B) I suck at it. Though I admire other people who can manage to successfully do their makeup and have it not look like a raccoon. I chose to wear some black boots with a small heel on the back, and my usual layered necklaces, the same rings on my fingers as always.

I'm supposed to meet Spencer for another study session after this, since we haven't been able to meet in three days. I picked up a few shifts this week, and there's been too much overlap in our schedules to find the time, unless it were to be any time after ten pm.

The date (at least I think that's what this is?) goes slightly better than I was expecting. Until recently, I hadn't even had a real conversation with him, but I realize that he's actually a pretty decent guy. When I look at my watch and realize that I'm supposed to meet Spencer in ten minutes, I glance up at him apologetically.

"I'm supposed to meet a partner for an assignment soon, so I'll have to head out."

He nods his head in understanding, and I wonder if he's upset about me leaving, because I wish I didn't have to leave either. "I really want to see you again," he admits. "Can I take you for dinner soon? Preferably when you won't have to rush out on me?"

I chuckle quietly and nod my head with a grin, "I'd really like that." His grin grows wider, and he holds out my bag for me while I slide out of the chair, offering to walk me to the library, and I feel his hand brush against mine as we walk side by side.

When I reach the front doors to the library, I glance over my shoulders at him and a wave, a small flush creeping up my neck. I walk inside to see that Spencer wasn't even here yet, and I take the opportunity to set my things down on the table and wait a few minutes for him.

When he walks in shortly after, I glance at my watch and tut quietly. "Four minutes late."

"All dressed up for me, Auclair? I'm flattered, really," he says dryly, his eyes trailing up my outfit before landing on my face.

"In your dreams, Reid," I roll my eyes, hoping that my hair works at shielding my face from him.

"More like in my nightmares," he retorts. He lets his eyes linger on my face longer than they probably should, his eyes squinting as he tries to get a better look at me. I feel like I'm being scrutinized under his watchful gaze. "You look different, Auclair."

"I do?" I ask nervously, and he nods his head slowly, his gaze flying across my face. He examines me for a minute longer before leaning back in his seat and reaching his final conclusion. "You're going on a date."

"How do you figure that?" I'm not sure what gave me away, but it's scary to think that he knows me better than I think he does.

"I'm right, aren't I?" He raises an eyebrow, and I neither confirm or deny the question. His lips turn up at the corners mischievously and I immediately regret feeding into his delusions, because I don't like the look on his face. "Oh, do tell me all about it. I'm curious."

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