sixteen (!)

847 28 36

Spencer Reid


I find it remarkable just how fast time seems to go by when you spend it with someone you love.

Maybe that's because boredom draws attention to the passage of time to make it seem so slow, and since dating Vega, I don't think I could say I've been bored once.

With spring quickly approaching, I've been trying to push any nerves I have about the impending future to the back of my head. However, my mind always seems to be running like a well-oiled machine, so no matter how hard I try, the idea somehow always lands at the fore front.

I had underestimated how difficult it can be to be in a relationship. To go from being alone, and completely independent, to in a healthy, cohesive relationship. I would have assumed that having such a simply schedule this term would have meant more time for Vega, but her school schedule rarely ever matches up with mine, and when it does, she's often working. She wants to be able to support herself financially when we both graduate, and she's been working her butt off to make it happen on her own. We went on two dates in the three months we've been dating- well, two official ones, I mean. I took her rollerskating the first time, telling her it was "the closest thing I could find to ice skating," and then took her antiquing the second time.

One of said dates was rightfully won by me, and I had to remind Vega of our bet we had made last term, which involved me getting a date from her if I'd gotten a better grade. Which, at the time, I hadn't expected to win and already have her as my girlfriend, so it seemed like a win-win for me. Vega on the other hand, was upset and tried to hide it for my sake, I could tell because I knew her better than anyone. She wanted to go out with me, I knew that much, but now that we're dating, it hasn't dimmed our competitive spirits at all.

If anything, I think our competitive natures is what makes this relationship so fun. We challenge each other, finding some way to make the simplest, most boring activities into a game. We send each other brain teasers and riddles, and she keeps me on my toes in a way I had never expected.

Tonight is the first time I'm seeing Vega all weeks, and it feels like the hundredth time that I'm wondering if things will go further between us. The most that we've done is feel each other up, and it took Vega placing my hands on her breasts for us to get that far. I know she's not a virgin because she'd told me so. How many people she's slept with, I don't know, and I'm not sure if I want to hear the number if I'm being honest. Me, on the other hand, the number of people I've slept with, hell, been in a relationship with before Vega, is a big fat zero.

In the bathroom this morning, I'd leaned over the bathroom sink and carefully shaved away any stubble, knowing how much she likes it when I'm freshly shaved. Today being her day off, I went ahead and bought us tickets to go to an art gallery that we'd been talking about visiting. It's not exactly close, which means Vega is picking me up with the car that Grace had lent her. I wasn't a fan of the idea at first, mainly because I'd hoped to be chivalrous and pick her up, but I have of a car (and a license to drive one) so I'd gotten over my pride and agreed.

Besides, I know for a fact that driving makes her happy, and I'd do just about anything to see her smile.

The time on my watch tells me it's almost three o'clock, which is the time that she said she'd be here to pick me up. Punctuality is important to both of us, and I know she won't be here a minute earlier, nor later than three. I wouldn't actually doubt it if the knock came right on the dot. I adjust the collar of my navy blue polo shirt, and grab my black converse from the closet, sliding them on my feet and tying them around my ankles before into a little bow.

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