
899 29 14

Spencer Reid

I glance up from one of the books in front of me and spot Vega focused on whatever she's typing on her computer. These last few work sessions we've had have become routine for the both of us. We meet, review anything new we might have worked on while apart, then go our separate, ways, and reconvene again before we leave, combining the information we have to be added to the slides later on. So far, this system has worked well for us because there's been minimal arguments.

We've been here all morning, and so far I've seen her drink two cups of coffee already without so much as a glance at me. With Vega, I've noticed that when she gets focused, she has laser vision until she's finished, and doesn't allow herself to have a break until then. I've never seen her with glasses before, but she removes them from her face and rubs her eyes before returning right back to her computer, so engrossed that she hadn't even noticed my staring.

I still don't by any means like Vega, but since we're being forced together on this, the two of us have come to a understanding of sorts. It goes a little something like this: We both agree not to chew each other out while working, any other time is on the table except for work time. It seems to work, because our disagreements have been less frequent, and it's been a while since I could remember not fighting with her for as long as I have.

I don't do it on purpose either, I don't think. Vega, though it pains me to admit, is very much like me, but brings out a side in me I didn't think was there. Normally, I tend to keep to myself, trying to avoid engaging in any sort of conflict. However, with Vega I feel like I'm a different person. She brings out an argumentative side of me, and the two of us can't help but argue with each other.

Because no matter how stubborn we are, I think deep down we both know (though would never admit it out loud) that Vega and I are essentially two halves of one unwilling whole.

Over the past few days, there's been no talk of the wager with her, but I know it's still going on. Every time we're in a room together, I can feel the tension, the competitiveness in the air. Both of us are too prideful to admit defeat, which is why we both want to win so badly, but one of us is going to lose this, and it won't be me. I'm going to get that date, because I know she's going to hate every single second of it.

A glance at my watch tells me that I should probably take a short lunch break. I glance up at Vega to see her taking a sip of coffee, and this time she meets my eyes and frowns at me. "What?" She asks as she places the mug back down, adjusting her glasses and stifling yet another yawn.

"I'm gonna go grab some lunch.Are you gonna head out, too?"

She nods her head, "Yeah, I just want to finish reading this and I'm gonna grab something. Go ahead," she insists, waving her hand toward the door. I don't argue as I head out of he library and toward the small cafe not too far away. I order myself a cup of coffee and a muffin, tapping my foot against the tiles while I wait for my name to be called.

"Coffee for Spencer!" I look up at the sound of my name and approach the counter, taking the overly sweet concoction into my hands and shoving the muffin in a pocket of my bag. I start the quick walk back to the library, entering inside the room.

I'm not sure whether or not to be surprised when I walk in to see Vega in the exact same spot I'd left her in. She'd been there for god knows how long, and I haven't seen her eat once. Hell, I've only seen her get up once for a washroom break.

"That was fast," She remarks without looking up, and I frown at her. 

"I thought you were heading out?" I ask, sitting back down in my chair and taking a sip of my coffee. She shrugs her shoulders, "I get like this when I'm focused. Not everyone can naturally excel, I have to work for it."

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