
803 38 18

Spencer Reid

I'm kissing Vega.

I'm. Kissing. Vega. And I can't stop.

I'd thought about it before, no point in denying it. I cannot count how many times I've thought about leaning down and kissing that frown away, the same one she gets whenever she's mad at me. She infuriates me to the point of no return, yet I find myself wanting to kiss her until I can no longer breath, until the taste of her lips is the only thing in my mouth for weeks to come.

I had thought it was over for a second. I was fulling intending to turn my back and walk away without a second thought. I wouldn't have taken it personally either, I know she has no reason to want to kiss me in the first place.

But apparently she did because it was her who grabbed my face and pulled my lips down to hers. Not me. So maybe, just maybe, she feels the same. She knows that there's an undeniable attraction between us, but with our personalities, I doubt it would go anywhere. I'd want to scream at her until my lungs give out, and she'd want to wrap her tiny hands around me throat.

We're not a good match, but here we are anyways.

She went on a date with someone else, and that shouldn't bother me, but it does. It shouldn't bother me that someone else has got her attention, and maybe she'll move her wrath to someone else. She'll give him everything that I've spent all this time wondering about, wanting.

I wouldn't call what I feel jealousy, though. Far from it.

In some weird way, Vega is sort of the only person who's remained a constant in my life. Our fighting and ruthless competition has been the one thing in my life that hasn't changed very much. It's been something I could always count in, in some strange way. We push each other to do better, but in the end, we cannot change the fact that we are two opposing forces, constantly fighting against each other. Like two positively charged sides of a magnet.

I let my lips dance across her jawline and her neck, breathing in the smell of her soap as I move. I fingers sprawl across the expanse of her waist and when I hear her sigh, my lips quirk up slightly.

"I'm not going to sleep with you," she whispers when my lips meet her neck.

I briefly pause. That's not why I'm here and I am repulsed she thinks that low of me, but that's no one's fault but my own. I've never made an effort to change how she sees me, of course she thinks the worst. She's a cynic, after all.

"Good thing that's not why I did this then." She shivers when my breath ticked the side of her neck and I pull away again, glancing at her lips, pink and swollen. Because of me.

She's still pressed firmly up against the door, trapped between my body and it. With the way she carries herself, Vega seems a lot taller than she actually is. But as I stand here, towering above her, I find myself looking down slightly to meet her eyes. Neither of us say anything, the only sound in the room being both of us breathing heavily. I'm not sure what she's feeling, but I do know that she liked it, but she would never let me know that through words. The only way I can tell is from her body language, and that's enough for me.

Her eyes are clouded over with lust, and I can see that her hands are itching to reach out and touch me. She clenches her fist to reach out, refusing to be the one to give in this time. Even kissing is like a game to us. She kissed me the first time, now she's waiting for me to do it or she'll walk away. She raises an eyebrow at me in a challenge and my pride is screaming at me not to give into her knowing that it'll mean I've lost. However, every part of me is screaming to grab her face and kiss her again, not knowing if the opportunity will arise again.

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