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The rest of the week flies by quicker than I'd think, and Spencer and I have finally finished up our assessment. When we both hand it in, I feel a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders, like I can finally breathe for once.

I think back to two nights ago when we finished it close to one in the morning, and Spencer and I had cheered triumphantly, and he surprised me when he pulled me into his arms. His wrapped around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and we couldn't stop smiling because it was finally time for our well-deserved break.

The victory was short lived because as soon as we both realized what we'd done, we'd both awkwardly pulled away and went our separate ways. Now, I glance at Spencer as we file out of the room, jogging to catch up to him. Ever since he told me about his holiday situation, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't imagine having to stay on campus away from my family for two weeks, completely alone. The thought made me sad for him, because no matter how much I may dislike him, no one deserves that.

"Do you have a winter jacket?"

He frowns at me before he shakes his head in confusion, "I'm sure I do. Why are you asking?"

Here's the thing: Before Gracie sprung it on me that she couldn't make it for Christmas, I had already went ahead and purchased two non-refundable train tickets. So, the only logical thing I could think of was asking my nemesis to spend two weeks with me and my family so he wouldn't have to be alone.

"How do you feel about taking a trip?"

"So you can murder me? No, thank you." He tries to walk away but I catch up to him again, standing in front of him so I'm blocking his path.

"I'm serious," I say with my arms crossed to show him that I mean business.

"I'm really confused," he discloses. "What kind of trip?"

"Let me ask you before you start freaking out-"

"Okay, now I'm going to freak out. Why would you say that?"

"Shush," I interrupt, placing a finger on his lips. My eyes widen and I quickly pulls away when the realization hits me. "So, when Gracie cancelled on me, I had already bought two train tickets to go home tomorrow..."

"And well, now I'm stuck with two tickets, and I know that you're not going home, and well I just wanted to know if you wanted to tag along." He's stunned into silence. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"And I already checked in with my parents and they're cool with it. You don't have to tell me now, but I leave tomorrow morning at eight. So, if I don't hear from you by then I'll assume the answer is no. No hard feelings, but just let me know, alright?"

He nods his head and I'm unsure of how to read his expression, and if his silence is a good thing or a bad thing. But I'd like to think that after weeks of forced proximity, that Spencer is a sort-of friend of mine. Yes, we can go extended periods of time without arguing, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it's an improvement for us. I've gone from hating him to simply tolerating him in the span of a few weeks.

Soon, I might even like him. No promises, though.

As I'm about to turn away, I pause again and glance over my shoulder, "I'd really like it if you decided to come. But the choice is yours."

He nods his still, still too stunned to respond back. I'm starting to regret asking at all because his reaction to the question is making me start to think that it was a bad idea offering at all. Who am I kidding? Of course it was a bad idea. Spending two weeks together, my family there, the two of us are bound to argue and that would be very very bad.

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