Well, if their night couldn't get any worse, it has.
It checked out, they were chasing after Chloe's ex-boyfriend, Tom Wilson. Beca was even more furious, she was sat up but had moved to the front to see where Stacie was driving. They were a few miles behind Aubrey, but they were close to each other. Following the van that was further down the road, they headed into Santa Clarita. They turned off the location of Chloe's phone, they could see the van. The girls all decided it was best not to tell Chloe who had gotten her, which was the exact same reason as to why Beca hasn't told her she got shot. She didn't want her to panic. They couldn't work out why however Tom had decided to do this on a night like this. They'd broken up years ago in Chloe's sophomore year, which is how Aubrey didn't remember him at first. It was over ten years ago.
It was just halfway through the 12 hours and it didn't feel like the night was getting close to finishing, if anything it felt like a nightclub. Kicks off at the start but progresses more and more as the night goes on until it's the early hours of the morning. Beca certainly knew it didn't end until the morning, but she honestly thought it would've calmed down thinking people were getting tired and if they'd survived then heading home.
Finally, the van had stopped. They were in the richer side of L.A, the richer side of Hollywood. If the sounds of Bakersfield were bad enough, Hollywood doesn't even come close. Every direction there were shots and screaming. Even only a few streets away. They girls all stopped about ten minutes away. They didn't know who they were dealing with, nor how many people they were dealing with. They waited a little bit before deciding as a group to go together in one vehicle, closer. They all decided to head in Aubrey's. Even though it was smaller, it was the car that showed to everyone that they were just monitoring everything and not actually involved in the events.
They were all ever so careful and quiet as they got into Aubrey's car with everything, they could possibly need. At least they could get close, and no one would cause problems for them. As Aubrey drove more into the town, there were bodies lying on the ground, blood, guns on the floor, people running around, knives, glass bottles shattered, and just more blood. As Beca looked around she shuddered. It was carnage. How could people do this just because they could? It didn't make any sense. Stacie quickly checked the location again just to check that they were still there, which they were.
They turned the last corner down the street and there was the van. The back doors were open. But the phone was showing that it was in the van. Realising that Chloe had left the phone there. She drove past and saw that no one was in the van. The street they were on was just full of houses, there wasn't anything around. Except an old car park building that had shutters down. It'd not been used in years.
"Is it worth checking it in case? You don't know, Bree?"
"I agree, let's check it out. They could be in there?" Beca questioned.
"There's no way you are going in there, you are injured."
"I'm fine, and I am going. Come or not. I have my phone in case."
Looking out the window, no one was around, so she got out the van with a gun. Putting it carefully on her shoulder and grabbing a bag she crossed the road and headed to the back. She not only did it silently, but she did also it quickly, too. Aubrey's partner went after her, it was too dangerous as it was, let alone on your own.
"Your friend, is an idiot."
"I think you'll find, Bree, SHE is Chloe's bloody idiot. I hadn't met her until I phoned her earlier. Honestly, you should've seen her a few hours ago, nervous as anything. It's like the gun shot had super strength or something, since then she's just been brave and not being an idiot."
"Right. Let's drive further up, jump in the front, and we'll check if we can see anything like a light or something in there. It's just too stupid, why here? Why would they even be down here? I don't remember Tom, do you?"
"No, I didn't even know he was around here. Let's just drive carefully."
Heading down the dark street, Beca and the girl she was with was talking. Aubrey's partner was called Jessica Smith. They'd met in college too with Chloe. Beca wasn't a social person at all and all of Chloe's friends knew that. This was certainly the most social that she'd been in a long time. But now, with this, she understood how they were busy and why they'd never met. The only one of Chloe's friends she'd met really was a Spanish girl called Flo.
They didn't talk much, they needed to stay quiet and the last thing they wanted to do was make themselves obvious if there was anyone in the building they were heading too.