Part One: Stark Expo, Committees, and Returns

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Words: 3,803

Warnings: Talks of torture, and experiments (vaguely), blood, military stuff, car crash, explosions, canon + cannon violence, descriptions of violence

Summary: New body, same friends, new bullshit.

A/N: I have no idea how the military or court, especially the Armed Cervices Court works, so take that for what you will. Also I'm so sorry this is a little late, my body was causing me monthly pain lol


When something traumatic happens to a person, it changes them.

It happened once to weapons inventor Tony Stark.

He used to profit off of war and death, then he became a hero fighting the people who wished to do harm to the world, for any person.

He became Iron Man.

But, who were you to become?

Nick Fury had wasted his breath with his wish of good luck for your next tour.

You were gone for six months. Double the time Tony had spent, captured by the people Obadiah Stane had hired to kill him.

But unlike the genius, you were unable to escape.

It had started off great.

Your deployment was just like any other you had been on.

But that was always how they began, wasn't it?

It was always just a normal day, alike any other, when it all suddenly went to absolute shit.

You were driving at the time, joking with your friends in the Humvee, as you patrolled the area, making sure everything was safe.

Then it happened.

A missile from a rocket launcher came out of nowhere. Blasting the sand-covered area in front of the armoured car, causing it to flip to the side, as more missiles and gunfire sounded through the air. The screams of your squadmates ringing through the car.

The last thing you heard was the sound of your own yelling voice, shouting for the profusely bleeding man sitting by your side in the passenger seat.


And then you blacked out.

Everything was kept hush-hush for them to find you.

It wasn't like Tony Stark being on every headline when he was captured.

Only a small statement in the news, minimising the whole event, entirely.

It took them half a year to rescue you from the hell you had found yourself thrust into.

You weren't the only one captured.

They had also taken one of the soldiers from the car.

Leaving the others to die.

You weren't the only one they captured.

But you were the only one who survived.

They changed you.

You no longer felt like you had control of your body.

They took your life. Your past. You. And tore it apart, altered it, then put it all back together.

That's what they did to you.

That's what it felt like.

All thanks to a few little needles and a whole lot of torture.

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