Part Six: Coconut and Metal Element

367 15 1

Words: 3,603

Warnings: Canon.

Summary: *The Great Escape theme intensifies*

A/N: I'm gonna be honest here. This isn't my fave part... I just don't rlly like it.


You were relaxing on the sofa alongside Agent Coulson, attention securely upon the TV. It was nice to finally have a bit of downtime after everything that had happened the past week or so.

But that, of course, was too much for you to ask for.

You twitched when you felt something hit your neck, assuming that it must have been a muscle spasm from stress. But that was before you felt it again, not even an inch away from the last.

Moving your hand to try and evaluate what was happening, your palm came in contact with a cold, wet substance and a small piece of soggy material.

Looking over your shoulder, you spotted Tony. Crouched hidden behind a wall. Tissue paper and straw clasped in his hand as he waved you over with his free one. Telling you exactly what the occurrence on the back of your neck was.

"I. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and grab something to eat," you excused yourself to Coulson, who hummed and nodded, not taking his eyes off of the child program playing on the flat screen.

Your eyes flashed angrily as you made your way over to Tony, following him behind the wall and down the hall so that you wouldn't be heard.

"Really? A spitball? What are we, in fifth grade?" you hissed quietly.

"I need you to help me."

"Tony, you know I'm not good with all this science mumbo-jumbo. If I was, you know I would be helping you-"

"No, not with that," he was quick to say.

"Then with what?"

"I need you to help me get out of here."


"I need to see Pepper."

"So, you want me to help you escape and risk getting caught by Coulson with 'Sparky The Taser'?"

"Yeah." Tony nodded. "You in?"

"Absolutely. Yes, I absolutely am."

It didn't take you long to be in Tony's R-8, speeding down the ocean side road towards 'Stark Industries'. Not with your military experience and Tony's genius intelligence. You were actually expecting it to be somewhat harder, considering you were going up against secret government Agent's.

Dust blew around the car as Tony pulled up to a man selling strawberries out of his truck on the side of the road.

Tony asked the man how much a carton of the fruit would cost in Spanish.

"Uh, six dollars. Six," the man replied.

"I don't have any dough. Do you have some?"

You pat at your pockets, looking for your wallet before you remembered that you had left it on the coffee table back at Tony's place. After removing it from your pocket when it began to dig into you.

"No, no. I don't have my wallet."

Tony's eyes shone behind his sunglasses when an idea popped into his head.

"Here," he said, beginning to take his wildly expensive watch off.

"On, Sir, that's too much," the farmer said, gesturing to the timepiece.

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