Part Four: The Last Birthday Party

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Words: 3,787

Warnings: Sick Tony, canon, jealousy, canon violence, canon fighting, a lil bit of depression at some point but it's not really talked ab like that.

Summary: Who knew a birthday party would do this to you.


"Yes, but the fundamentals of the company are still very, very strong-"

"And very, very boring," you input from your place, lounging upon the couch across from the two seated women.

"-Despite the events in Monaco," Pepper continued, throwing you a playful glare that never reached her tone.

"The AP wants a quote," Natalie spoke over to the blonde, who covered her phone's receiver to answer the question in a whisper. Just as Rhodey walked in.

Your arm shot straight up into the air, palm open, in an unmoving wave to the uniformed man.

"Don't tell him. Fax them-"

"Where is he?"

Both girls turned to the Colonel when he spoke.

Natalie was the first to answer his question.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed."

Only for Pepper to counter her point. Gaining a look from the red-head.

"He's downstairs." Then she went back to her work at hand.

A gruff noise spilt from your lips as you pushed yourself up from your lying position. Moving to follow the man.

"I'll join you. Much less boring than-" You gestured over to the girls. "-Whatever the hell they're doing. At least with Tony, he might blow something up."

"Don't let him blow anything up!" Pepper called after you as you began making your way down the curved flight of stairs.

"Now I just wanna do the opposite!"

"I saw, you know."

"I know." You nodded to Rhodey.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think I would ever have to tell anybody. Especially not the world. But, I guess I should have realized that that wasn't going to be possible with my life, huh?"

"Probably should have realized that you would end up using it to save someone," Rhodey reasoned, with a shrug, all the while you both neared Tony's workshop's door, "And with Tony being, well, Tony."

"Yep. It was pretty naive of me."

Beeping filled the stairwell as Rhodey input the code into the glass lock pad, opening the door on a mission.

"Tony, you gotta get upstairs and get on top of this situation right now."

"I agree. Pepper and Natalie are having a tough time dealing with it all, and it's making me nap on the sofa. I mean, I did try to help. But Pepper banned me from doing so after I told that first guy to go fuck himself."

"Listen," the soldier continued. Walking further towards the man sitting in his hotrod car. "I've been on the phone with the National guard all day, trying to talk them out of tolling tanks up the PCH, knocking down your front door and taking these." He pointed desperately to the displayed Iron Man suits behind the billionaire.

"I'd like to see them try," you said sceptically, knowing full well that up against those suits, they didn't stand a chance.

"They're gonna take your suits, Tony, okay? They're sick of the games. You said nobody else would possess this technology for twenty years. Well, guess what? Somebody else had it yesterday. It's not theoretical anymore." Rhodey shook the man, causing him to wobble sickly, which only worried you. Stepping forwards and around him to gauge a good look at Tony. Which only caused you to worry more than before.

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