Part Eight: An Outing -Not Date Apparently- With "Natalie Rushman"

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Words: 1,255

Warnings: Nothing.

Summary: "'That wasn't a date'. What do you do on a date?"


"So, what did you get in the test?" you joked, walking up to Tony. Who waited by his car for you. After coming back from your debrief with Coulson.

"That red-head you're got a crush on said that Iron Man was recommended, but I was not."

"Wait. How's that gonna work? You are Iron Man."

"Exactly what I said!" Tony sighed after his exclamation, "So, you ready to go? Pep wants to go to dinner before we need to be at D.C.."

"Already getting domestic, huh?" you teased.

"It's our first date."

"Aha." He rolled his eyes at your cocky smile. "And I can't. Fury said he wanted to talk to me after my debrief about something. I just came out here, so you weren't waiting on me."

Tony nodded, watching as you started back into the discreet building, "Wait! What did your file say?"

"I can join the super boy band!"

It was a few hours later and mid-evening when you were let go from your meeting with Fury.

Only to be met with the red-head walking from another part of the brick warehouse.

"Sergeant Y/L/N," Natasha greeted with a smile.

"You know I'm not technically a Sergeant anymore, right?"

"So then, what do I call you?"

"How about 'Y/N'?" you suggested.

"Okay, Y/N."

"So, does that mean I get to call you 'Natasha'?"

"No," the Agent said firmly, only causing a smile to erupt upon your face as you followed her from the building.

"I'm starving. You wanna grab something to eat?"

"Don't you have a flight to catch Y/N?"

"That's not until tomorrow. But right now, I need some food." She looked at you with narrowed eyes, debating whether or not she should accept your request. "C'mon," you almost whined, "It's on me."

"Fine. But if you try anything with me." She pointed a warning finger your way.

"I wouldn't dream of it. And not just because you could make me disappear, causing my family to wonder what happened to me for decades."

Natasha's lips ticked up in a small smile at the corner.

"You're driving," she told you, turning to where your car was parked striding over to it.

"Yes, Ma'am."


Natasha was confused when she stepped out of the car, looking up at the restaurant you chose, as the valet took the key's to park your car for you.

"What is this?"

"Huh?" You turned to the red-head, "Dinner? Were you expecting a table under a bridge or something?"

"Why here?"

"Would you have prefered under a bridge?" you laughed. However, at Natasha's stern look, you quickly explained your choice, "I'm not in New York, like, ever. Tony recommended this place."

"This place looks insanely romantic."

"Well, this is a date-"

"It's not a date."

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