Part Five: Donuts, Dressing Gowns, and Spys

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Words: 3,214

Warnings: Canon, canon talks of violence, talks of a shitty childhood, choking on hot coffee.

Summary: Coffee and sleep. Those were two things that you needed most.


The sun was shining in the early California morning, gleaming upon the black car driving down the road, shining through the windows. Beaming upon the skin of the man behind the wheel. All the while, you lay in the back seat, snoozing away.

Arm flung over your eyes, successfully stopping the bright rays from penetrating your eyelids and waking you up. One leg up, with your knee pressed into the seats, turned towards them. The other spread out upon the floor of the moving vehicle.

You were enjoying your sleep.

Considering that you didn't have more than an hour the previous night.

But the keyword here is 'were'.

"Y/L/N, wake up. We're almost here."

You awoke with a wet gasp, swallowing deeply, as you looked over at the man driving with squinted eyes, trying to fight off the bright sun burning against them and blinding you.

"We're almost where?"

"A doughnut shop."

"I thought you were an Agent, not a cop," you said, slowly moving to a seated position as he pulled into the parking lot. Stretching the sleep out of your body with a yawn and a final shake.

"I'm the Director," Fury corrected.

"Still not a cop, though."

"We're not here for me."

"Then what are we here for?"

Fury looked out the windshield, jabbing a finger in the direction he was looking in, causing you to duck your head forward to see what he was pointing at as he spoke, "Him."

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

You followed the director out of the vehicle, walking with him towards where Tony would be able to see and hear you.

The man was sat within a giant metal doughnut above the shop, sunglassed upon his face, presumably to help combat his hangover from the bright world. Iron Man armour still securely wrapped around his body, only the helmet sitting beside his bent legs, as he ate from the box in his lap.

"God," you mumbled to yourself, watching as Tony stuck his tongue out before taking a bite out of his powdered doughnut, "Why does he do that before he eats?"

"Sir!" Fury called up to Tony, "I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut!"

"Are you sure I'm still not sleeping? Because that sounds like a dream sentence."

Tony pulled his sunglasses down as to gauge the man properly. Recognition shone in his eyes when he spotted Fury.

"Get out of the doughnut, Tony!"

"You ratted me out?!" he yelled back, betrayed by what he assumed were your actions, considering you were standing beside the man.

"I didn't rat shit! Now get out of the doughnut before I come up there myself and drag you out! I don't know how I'll get up there. But I will!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming down! Geese."

Fury tapped your arm with the back of his fingers, gaining your attention. He nodded his head to the side, indicating for you to follow him into the business below.

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