Part Two: From Legal

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Words: 3,126

Warnings: Canon... that's p much it.

Summary: You're infatuated with a woman you just met. And apparently so has Tony. Yeah... this was gonna go well.

A/N: She's here! She's finally here!


You had taken a few days to gather yourself.

Staying in one of tony's guest rooms, that he had called "yours".

Speaking of the heroic billionaire. He had been bugging you to tell him about what had happened while you were on tour.

The feeling of guilt was unnecessary, but still previewing when you told him the same as everyone else. That you were captured, tortured, then rescued as you were trying to escape. The absolute minimal.

You knew, deep down, that you didn't have to tell anyone anything. And you wholly believed that.

Yet you still felt bad hiding things from him, even though you knew he would understand.

But you couldn't tell him what they had done to your body.

Not now.

Not yet.

However, everything was altered. There was still an intense familiarity surrounding your life now. You felt at peace. And for the first time in a long time, you felt safe.

Luckily, you had other things to focus on, other than yourself.

Tony had relinquished his position as CEO of 'Stark Industries' and had turned it over to Pepper Potts.

So, you were helping out wherever you could with that.

But you didn't know anything about businesses and the procedures they took. So, instead, you mostly found yourself training with Tony. Or rather, making excuses to actually train with the man, to take up a seat watching him. Lucky enough for you, he assumed that your reluctance was because of PTSD, thanks to your last tour. Whereas, that may be somewhat true, it wasn't the main reason why.

And watching the man as he fought with his "bodyguard" Happy, in his own boxing ring, was what you found yourself doing currently.

You spotted something out of the corner of your eye -still not used to how clear you could see from the corner of your eyes-, turning, you spotted Pepper entering the gym.

"You got a guest, Tony!"

"The notary's here!"

"Make that two guests!" you called to the hooded man, correcting yourself.

"Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?"

"I'm on happy time," Tony said as Pepper walked past where you sat upon the bench press the sounds of the man's gloved hands hitting their padded targets.

It didn't take you long to follow Pepper towards the white seats.

"Hey, Pepper."

"Y/N." The blonde watched as you sat down with a small grunt. Resting one of your ankles over your knee as you leaned back into your seat, looking up at the still-standing woman. "You not participating today?"

You shook your head. "Nah. Still not ready to get into the swing of things."

Still not ready to admit the truth.

"Well, now you can take all the time you need. You never have to fight ever again if you don't want to."

"That's true." Taking a breath, you decided to change the subject, "So, where's the notary?"

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