Part Nine: Bare Sheets and Bravery

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Words: 1,262

Warnings: Senator Stern, robbers getting their asses kicked, talks of rowdy drunk men, think that's it really lol

Summary: After receiving a medal in D.C, you continued on with your work.

A/N: Here we are. The end of the road. For this part.


The room shone with the morning sun blaring through the windows, ripping across the white painted walls, illuminating the clothes scattered across the carpeted floor.

A king-sized bed in the centre of the room, the creme coloured sheets upon it rumpled and strewn awry. Only one inhabitant lay beneath them.

The soft sun awoke you. Making you blink sleepily against the painful light. Once your eyes had adjusted, you peered around, taking in the room and its state.

A sinking feeling took over your chest when you looked to your side, where Natasha had been last, as you both steadily fell asleep. Only to find it empty and bare.

Then you glanced to your other side, to where your bedside table sat. Finding a note lying upon its surface.

You were still tired as you tried to read it, holding it above your from, blinking the rest of your sleep away.

Only fifteen words were scratched upon the small note of paper.

Get up early. You have a plane to catch and a medal to accept.


You smiled at the woman's written words, vaguely remembering the time you spent together the previous day.

Before, that soft, calm feeling was harshly stripped from you when you glanced at the time on the clock.

"Shit!" you exclaimed, falling out of the bed, your naked ass landing on the plush floor.

You were late.

You were so late.

But knowing Tony, you wouldn't be the last one at the award ceremony.

So, with that comforting thought, you began to pull your clothes from the previous night on.

Luckily, your own hotel wasn't too far from here, so you'd be able to get changed into something more appropriate.

It was ironic.

The first time Natasha saw you was on TV with only two hours of sleep under your belt.

And now, she was leaving you to go on TV, with only two hours of sleep.

You needed coffee.


The whole day it felt like the sun had followed you, shining down brighter as you awaited upon the steps of the grand building. It was a good idea of yours to follow in Tony's lead and bring a pair of sunglasses.

"It is my honour to be here today-"

You tried to hide your smug smile when you heard the man at the podium speaking. His voice tight. Hating what he was doing at that moment. Mainly because of you and the man you shared the same smirked look with by your side.

"-To present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, Master Sergeant Y/N Y/L/N-"

"Ex," you pressed to yourself, "Ex Master Sergeant."

"-And Mr Tony Stark. Who is, of course, a national treasure," he grit out around a fake smile.

You had a hard time hiding your chuckle at that, your jumping shoulders and twitching lips giving you away.

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