Part Three: Monaco

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Words: 3,379

Warnings: Canon violence, descriptions of blood, vague-ish talks of past torture.

Summary: You deserve a nap.


When Tony had told you, "You deserve a holiday", this is not what you were expecting.

Yes. You were expecting sun. Beautiful spaces and another culture. And with Tony, brought luxury, so you expected to see a lot of that, too.

But you never expected your holiday to include schmoozing with billionaires and attending The Grand Prix.

Part of you couldn't even be surprised by the man's phrasing, although you could consider this somewhat of a holiday. But deep down, you knew that he just wanted you to be around.

You had arrived to screaming crowds, stepping from his Rolls-Royce, along with Pepper and Happy, following the man into the lavish hotel.

"You know, it's Europe," Tony began, back peddling to give you the warning, "Whatever happens in the next twenty minutes, just go with it."

"'Go with it'? Go with what?" Pepper asked, confused.

"If a man tries to sleep with me, I'm not 'going with' that."

As you spoke, you spotted Natalie walking up towards your little group. A smile tugged at your face as she drew ever nearer.

"Mr Stark?" the beautiful red-head gave as a greeting.


"Hello. How was your flight?"

"It was excellent-"

You nodded as you began to answer the question that was directed to the man, yourself. All the while looking around the business hall you were gathered in.

"It was good. Think I'm jet-lagged, though. Hey, what time is it?"

"-Boy, it's nice to see you."

Your eyes widened as you easily spotted the look Tony and Pepper shared, at the reaction to his words and the fact that Natalie was there. Reaching between the two, joining them in taking your drink's that were being served to you.

"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind."

A startled noise came from your mouth when your glass was pulled from your lips when Pepper pushed your hand down to rest by your hips. Looking up to find a camera being pointed directly towards the three of you before being suddenly blinded by the flashing light.

"When did this happen?" Pepper grit lowly over to the man with a fake smile purely for the cameras. As Natalie placed their back onto the tray.

"Oh, you're in shit now, man."

"What?" Tony replied the same way she was talking. All smiles for the camera, "You made me do it."

Realizing that you weren't supposed to be in those pictures, you manoeuvred yourself to the sidelines. Throwing your arm around the waiter, that was still holding onto their drinks as you sipped from your own.

You had a feeling you were going to need it today.

"I made you do what?"

"You quit. Smile. Look right there," Tony told, pointing to the camera that was still flashing towards them. Both of them giggling and throwing the camera fake smiles, "Stop acting constipated. Don't flare your nostrils."

"You are so predictable. That's the amazing thing."

"Right this way," Natalie directed the man.

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