Chapter 1

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Y/n's Pov:

TW: mentions of alcohol and drinking

As I'm walking down the street on my side of town wearing my black leather jacket and white converse. I stop inside the DX to get a coke cause I've been walking around for an hour or so just bored. 

I walk through the door and the bell chimes. Soda looks up from a magazine he was reading. "is that a playboy mag?" i asked

Soda looks at me like I have three heads. "Uhh no, it's a home goods one." he says nervously showing me the front cover.

"Oh come on Soda, take a joke man" I say as I grab a coke from the cooler beside the front counter.
I walk towards the counter and set the coke down to pay for it. Soda rings me up and I hand him a quarter. He puts it in the register and I sit down on the barstool.
"So soda, wheres Steve at?" I asked 

"He's in the back, finishing up his car for the drag race tomorrow night. Speaking of which, you wanna come to the drag race tomorrow night at 6?" He asked 

"That sounds fun, anyone else going?" I asked excitingly.

"I think Dal and Two-Bit might be coming along" He says
"Ok cool, I'll meet y'all there" I say as I hear the doorbell chime.
I looked over towards the door and I see the one and only Dallas Winston walk in. I have feelings for him but I have a good way of hiding them since I've learned how to not show them to anyone. Dal grabs a coke and sits beside me.
Soda asks "You gonna pay for that?" 

Dal leans over "Does it look like I'm gonna?" He says cooly.
Soda rolls his eyes clearly annoyed by Dals words.
"I'll pay for it" I say showing a slight smirk and handing over the quarter to Soda. He slightly smiles as he puts it in the register. Dal looks over at me and smirks. 

"What?" I say in confusion.
"Nothing man" Still smirking.
"If you say so" I say getting up off the barstool.

"Alright I'll see you guys later" I started heading towards the door. I heard byes behind me then I hear footsteps when I get to the door. I get outside and turn around to see who's behind me and of course its Dal. 

"Alright, what do ya want?" I jokingly ask. "Nothing man just wanna hang out" He says, lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke in my face. I know he does that when he likes people, he does that to Johnny a lot.

I started hanging out with the gang a couple weeks ago at the rumble and ever since then I've gotten to know them more except Dallas. Hopefully today is gonna be the day I will. "Can I have a drag?" I ask
"Yeah man here" he says handing it over to me. 

I take a good drag off of it and hand it back to him. I smoke to calm my nerves. "Why do you smoke?" I ask him.

"Habit i guess, gives me something to do, how about you?" He asks.
"Calms my nerves and gives me something to do too." I say trying not to fully say why. "Yeah I do the same sometimes, shit gets bad. You dig?" He asks
"Yeah" I say as we continue walking for no destination.
"Wanna go to Bucks to ya know, hang more?" He asks all of a sudden.
"Sure, sounds good." I drink sometimes, I get to thinking too much about certain things. We get closer to Buck's and asks,
"Y/n, you drink?"
"Sometimes, tonight's a good night for it" I say
"Alright well lets go" He says walking up the steps to Bucks front door and knocking loudly. 

The music seemed awful loud in there, I forgot how loud it can get on a Friday night. A man who looks about in his mid twenties opens up the door and looks at us.
"Hey Dally, who you got there?" He says looking over to me

"This is Y/n, thought you guys met before." Dal says a bit confused.
"Oh that's right, forgot about ya. Come on in" He says opening the door a bit wider to let us in. I walk in first with Dal right behind me and I go to the bar and ask for a Spirytus Vodka mix drink.
"Dal what do you want?" I ask as I get my drink.
"What the hell did you get?" He asks confused.
"Strongest ever made" I say with a smirk. "Get me some of that" He says.
I ask the bartender to get the same drink. She slides the glass across the bar towards Dallas. He takes a swig as I do.
"Damn, this shit is strong" He says.
"Told ya" I say with a smirk and taking a drink.
"You going to the drag race tomorrow night?" I ask as I set my drink down.
"Yeah" He says.
"Wanna play pool?" He asks
"Damn I haven't played that in ages" I say bringing my drink over to the pool table and getting a pool cue stick. 

Dallas follows, grabbing himself one too. We play a round and he won. I go back to the bar to get a refill on our drinks already feeling a bit tipsy. I grab the refilled drinks and come back over to the pool table ready to play another round. 

"You sure you wanna play another round, Doll?" He says smirking.
"Why wouldn't I?" I say laughing a bit after. I start the game off barely hitting the ball. Dal wins the second round. 

"Goddamn it Dal!" I say in a loud voice. "What? Am I too good for ya?" He says smirking.
"Nah your perfect for me" I slightly slur. "What do ya mean by that doll? Got feelings or something?" He says. I slightly blush. 

"I don't know, maybe" I say.
"If you say that then I'll be honest too, I got feelings for someone just by getting to know them tonight" He says looking over to me. "Oh yeah and who could that possibly be?" I ask trying to play dumb. 

"You" He says smirking and a tint of pink in his face.
"Is that so Winston?" I say walking over to him.
"Yeah man" He says as I walk over. I go over to him and whisper in his ear
"If you wanna find out who I got feelings for then let's play some more pool then and if I win, I get to tell ya" I say, walking back over to the other side of the table. 

"Alright then doll, let's go" He says fixing the pool balls back in the pool rack. 

The third round goes by and I win.
"Something you gotta tell me?" He asks "uhh...yep" I say slowly walking over to him. "So....who you got feelings for?" Dal asks me. "Well I wonder who the hell out of all people it could be?" I say teasing.
"Hmm I don't know, you tell me." He says giving me a smirk. I could already tell we were both drunk but I kept going.

"I think it might just be.... you" I say looking up at him. He starts looking at my lips and so do I with his. He leans down a bit more and our lips connect, all I felt was almost as if fireworks were in the background behind us. I slowly pull away for air. 

"Wow Dal" I say looking up at him and I connect our lips again, this time being more in sync. We started making out on the pool table. Dal finally stops and asks:
"Alright we'll finish this later, one last refill and round?" 

"Sure" I say going to get another refill. I almost tripped over nothing getting over to the bar. I come back over with the drinks and slowly set them down on a stand beside the table. 

"Lets go" I say as I get a drink from my glass.

3rd Person POV:
By the time they're done playing the fourth round, they'd already had 5 drinks each.
"Man I'm fucked up" Dal says as he stands up and heads for the staircase.

"Dal............. hold on a damn minute" Y/n slurred trying to help them both not fall trying to hold onto Dallas.

"Yeah....yeah what....ever" He says falling on the third step. "" He slurs when he falls.

"Here...come on.... lets go.." Y/n says managing her way with his arm around her shoulder and Buck helping. After 5 minutes of her almost falling twice and Dal five times, they finally get up to his damn room that had to be the last room at the end of the hallway.

Buck opens the door and they stumbled in and Dallas falls to the carpeted floor passes out. Y/n fell with him. "Night y'all!!" Buck says as he turns out the light before closing the door. 

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