Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10: 

TW: 0verd0sing, p@nic attack

Dal’s Pov:

I started to drive home and I turned the radio up. I started flipping through the stations and found one that was playing a song I haven’t heard in a long time. 

‘Something to Believe In by Poison’ was playing and I pulled over, not wanting to flip out on the road with y/n in the car. 

“Dally, what's wrong?” Y/n asks, putting her hand on my shoulder. 

Y/n Pov: 

Something wasn’t right with Dallas, ever since I got in the car he’s been different. 

He pulled the car over on the side of the road and was gripping the steering wheel tight.

“Dally, what’s wrong?” I asked him, putting my hand on his shoulder. I wasn’t sure why he pulled over, the car seemed fine. 

“I just haven’t heard this song in a while and I don’t want to put you in danger honey” Dal says, looking over at me. 

I instantly recognized the song and took me back to when my dad would go into an episode over certain songs. He would get angry, yell, and start throwing things. It would scare me a lot and I was worried he would hit me, but he never did. 

I was almost on the verge of crying because I knew exactly why Dallas was acting the way he was when he heard the song. I have come close to freaking out when I heard it but it never got that bad. 

“I’m glad you pulled the car over, do you wanna tell me why? If not, it’s ok.” I say, putting my hand on his jaw in a sympathetic way.

“Back in New York, I was really close with a guy who got too involved in pills. He was a really good guy and he just got hooked on them. He was staying in a hotel and the owners would sometimes cut him a break since he didn’t have much. The hotel he was staying in was actually where a lot of the drug dealing would go on. I went by one day to check on him because I hadn't heard from him in 2 days. His car was there so I knew he was inside but he wouldn’t answer the door. I busted the door down and found him on the floor curled up. I tried to start CPR but it was no use. That’s half the reason why I left anyway. There’s just a part in the song where it talks about his best friend overdosing in a hotel room. I just didn’t want to flip out while I was driving. I didn’t want to put you in any danger.” He finishes, staring back out into the road. 

“It's ok, I’d rather you do this and talk about it than what my dad would do. He would drink and flip out during the middle of the night. Sometimes when a certain song comes on, it gives me chills thinking about it. Do you want me to drive?” I asked, hoping he’d say yes cause I didn’t know if anything else would happen before we got back to the house. 

“No baby it’s fine, you’ve been working” Dallas says, turning the car back on. 

He still didn’t seem right, something still seemed off. My anxiety was starting to go up, worrying about Dally. I was starting to fidget with my hands really badly.

We got back to the house and everything still didn’t seem right. I got out of the car, went up to the door, and unlocked it. We both got in the house and I locked the door back. I put my keys up on the hook and went into the kitchen. I got a glass out of the cabinet, set it down on the counter, and grabbed the bottle of vodka. 

“What are you doing?” I hear Dal ask from behind me.

“Trying to calm down” I say, with shakiness in my voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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