Chapter 2

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A/N note: She/Her Pronouns
Dal's POV:

I woke up with a massive headache and Y/n beside me on the floor?
"How in the fuck did I end up on the floor?" I look down at Y/n to see shes passed out.
I slowly get up and check the time on the clock. It reads 1:30pm. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened last night?"
I go in the bathroom and close the door. I look in the mirror and see I have a gash on the side of my forehead.
"Fuck man" I say as I get peroxide to clean it up. I clean it up and get back in my room.
I look over on the floor and I pick Y/n up and put her on my bed.
I sit down trying to think what all happened last night. All I remember is us walking in, Y/n getting us drinks, heading over to the pool table, and then - oh shit.
I told her I liked her and she said the same thing. I hope we didn't do nothing too stupid.
I'll go ask Buck.
I open my door and go downstairs and Buck's cleaning glasses.
"Hey Buck" I say leaning against a booth.
"Hey Dal - man you and y/n were so fucked up last night" He says smiling.
"Oh nah really ya think, my heads fucking killing me"
"Here" He says as he hands me some Advil and a glass of water.
"Thanks man" I say as I swallow it.
"No problem, you fell down the steps so many damn times, that's why you got that slice on your head if you were wondering." He says as he turns on the sink.
"Yeah what all happened last night anyways, hope I didn't do anything stupid with her" I ask
"Nah all y'all did was make out on the pool table then "tried" to go upstairs, I helped y'all up and next thing I knew when I opened your door, you just crashed on the floor taking Y/n with ya" He says laughing
"Alright man, hey hand me some extra pills will ya?" I ask for Y/n
"Yeah man here" He hands them to me.
I walk back upstairs and open the door to my room. I look over on my bed and shes still out.
"Damn" I thought. I never thought I would've ever gotten to kiss a girl like her.
I hope it goes good from here on out. I go over to my bed with Y/n still asleep and I noticed she stirred a bit in her sleep.
"Hope its nothing serious" I thought as I set the pills and glass of water on the nightstand next to me.
She starts clenching her jaw and starts breathing heavy and sits straight up yelling. "Y/N calm down" I say and get closer to her, she looks over at me and water filled her eyes.
"You ok?" I ask.
Next thing I know she's reaching over to me and hugs me with her head on my chest.
"Hey calm down its ok, its not real alright?" I say rubbing her back.
We sit like this for a few minutes before she lets go.
She looks up at me and her eyes are a bloodshot red and puffy from crying. "You wanna talk to me about it? You don't have to" I ask looking at her. 

TW: S3LF HARM, Verbal, and PhysicAL A6us3?

Y/n's POV:

"How many times have I told you, over and over, you need to learn to handle him right" My dad says yelling at me when we're driving back to my house. "I'm trying the best I can alright? Damn it" I say a bit louder.
Next thing I know he slams on his breaks and pulls over on the back road we're on.
"Jesus Christ Y/n when are you ever gonna learn to stop getting onto him for every little thing he does" My dad says yelling.
"He's always the one starting shit with me, when are you ever gonna see that?" I say, tired of my dad always sticking up for my brother for everything he does wrong.
"I wish you'd quit acting like your mother all the damn time" He says driving back on the road.
I just stay quiet and start silently crying in the passenger seat. I had just gotten out of the mental hospital not even a month ago and he pulls this bullshit on me?
Thanks dad. My mind wanders to thinking about relapsing. I know I don't need to but I don't know what else to do anymore.
He just keeps on with me over and over. It's almost like he hates me now.
I would've thought he would realize how bad off I was when I got sent to the hospital but apparently not.
I just zoned out on the way home not talking. We get back to my house and he drops me and my sister off and I go inside and I wait for my sister to settle down so I can go in the bathroom.
She eventually does and I go in the bathroom and from under the sink I pull out my blade I hid from my mom. *flashes*
My blade going on my skin on the side of my wrist.
Tiny bits of blood coming out of the cut.
My blade going on my wrist and starts cutting.
More tiny bits of blood coming from that cut.
*end of flashes*
I finally go to the sink and clean up my cuts. I turn the sink on cold water and put my arm under it. I wince due to the coldness of the water and my raw cuts.
After I clean them up, I make sure and put a hoodie on to cover them up because I don't have all the bandages I need and the last thing I need is some DHS bullshit being pulled by my dad again.
I hear my dad coming towards the bathroom that connected to my sisters room and my room. He's trying to open the other side of the bathroom door coming into my room. By the sounds of it, he's mad about something. He tries opening the door but I already have my grip on it. He didn't even knock, I'm screaming at this point for him to stop and calm down.
He tried opening the door three times and anytime he would try to I instantly used all my strength I have to close it all while still screaming for him to stop with tears rolling down my face.
I saw his face and in his eyes he looked like he was gonna do something to me and I don't know what but that terrified me.
He finally stops and walks off, I lock myself in my room after that for the rest of the night.
I was in the store buying some clothes I needed. I found a bra I liked but I accidentally grabbed the wrong size. "Damn it hold on" I say to myself as I had to walk back and exchange it before check-out.
As I'm walking back I see my teacher at a desk and she looks at me and asks
"Hey Y/n, can you come here real quick?"
"Sure" I say as I walk over. She turns her computer around towards me and says
"Why have you missed so many days of school huh?"
I say "Oh I've just been going through a really hard time"
She starts yelling "I DON'T CARE, I'll call the substitute"
When she says that I lose it.
"You have got to understand a little bit about my situation alright? I have already had to go to a facility once because I was so down and doing things I didn't need to do. So if you don't mind, can you please stop" I say yelling a bit louder than she was doing.
"Well I'll get a psychologist on board right now" she says not caring. I started yelling at her to stop and I soon realized I was in a bed.
I see Dal sitting there and my throat starts hurting and so does my head. "Y/n, calm down" He says a bit loud, I felt my eyes starting to water.
"You ok?" He asks. I feel like I can't say nothing so I hug him, putting my head on his chest.
I started crying a bit but not too bad. I finally let go, I look up at him.
"You wanna talk to me about it? You don't have to." He says looking in my eyes. "I....guess" I finally manage to say.
When I get done explaining the dream to him, he looks up at me with concern and pain in his eyes. I didn't tell him about the s3lf harming part. "Everythings gonna be ok, alright?" He says engulfing me in a hug.
I felt a slight tear on my shirt. "Dal?" I ask"Yeah.." He says
"You alright?" I ask with concern.
"I guess, just brought up some things thats all" He says, looking down.
"You wanna talk about it?" I ask wanting to make sure he was ok and being honest with me.
He explained that he moved down here from New York a couple years ago to get away from his abusive father cause he couldn't take it anymore. He even showed me some of his scars he got from him with broken beer bottles and what not.
"Dal, I'm sorry" I say
"For what?" He asks, sounding a bit confused.
"I didn't know or else I wouldn't have brought those things up" I say, looking down towards the floor.
"Hey don't be sorry ok Y/n, its neither my fault or yours. Just know that if you need to talk to me I'm here ok? I love you alright" He says lifting my chin up with his hand. I smile up at him
"Alright, same goes for you too. I do love you too"
"Really man?" He says slightly smirking at me.
"Yeah really" I say smiling more at him.
"Oh here's your pills and water for your headache" He says handing them to me.
"Oh yeah thanks" I say as I take the pills with the water he gave me. We head downstairs and say bye to Buck and start walking.
"So, where to?" I ask him
"I don't know man... Hey you like records?" He asks me
"Yes I love them" I say with excitement "Lets go there then" He says, giving his infamous smirk to me.
"Dal...." I ask knowing what he's gonna do.
"Yeaahhhh" He says looking back over at me jokingly.
"I wonder..... Are we gonna be shoplifting records??" I ask smiling.
"Hmm I don't know, would've never thought of it" He says lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke.
"You gotta extra cancer stick?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure" He says handing me one and a lighter. I light it up with the cigarette between my lips and hand the lighter back to him.
"Thanks man" He says, looking over at me.
"Anytime" I say blowing smoke.
I kept thinking: "Hopefully soon, Dal will ask me to be his girl.
"Yeah if things keep going like this, I can get my life on track now. I thought some more.

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