Chapter 4

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TW: Bl00d, PhysIcal abus3, Suicid3, s3lf harm, alcohol use, etc...

Y/ns POV:

 I woke up the next morning and forgot where I was. Then it all hit me. Steve and Soda wrecked their drag car last night and we all stayed here. 

I was laying on Dal, who was still asleep. His hair was slightly messy and I laughed quietly a little.

I decided not to get up so I wouldn't wake him up. I looked around and Steve is in the recliner still sleeping with his elbow on the arm of the chair to hold up his head. Johnny's all balled up on the couch with a blanket on him and Two Bits still in the same spot from last night. 

"Damn he ain't moved?" I thought.

 I checked the time on the clock on the wall and it was only 8:15 am so I'm sure Steve, Soda, and Two Bit wouldn't get up for a while. 

I was still in the same spot with Dal, just thinking. Dal moved a bit in his sleep and I remembered how Dal had comforted me when I had my nightmare the other morning. 

"I'll just keep in the back of my head cause you never know" I thought. 

He moved and rolled over in his sleep and this time in the process, he elbows me in the jaw.

"Goddamn it" I say, not being quiet. I put my hand on my jaw and just a second later Dal wakes up. He gasped and looks over at me confused. 

"What's wrong?" He asks me. 

"You elbowed me in the jaw when you were sleeping" I say and feel something from the inside my mouth. 

I go to the bathroom and spit it out. 

Its fucking blood. 

"Jesus Dal" I say loud enough for him to hear but he followed me to the bathroom. 

"Shit man, I didn't mean to-" He says looking at me.

"Hey its ok, it happens" I smile at him. 

I grab a washcloth and wipe the blood from my mouth. I turn on the faucet and rinse the rest down the drain.

We walk back in the living room and Johnny was the only one up. 

"You guys alright man? I heard something" Johnny says looking up at me

"Yeah we're fine, just got someone over here who really knows how to give a good elbow in the jaw" I joke looking at Dal.

"Hey man it was an accident alright?" Dal says, looking over at me.

"Jeez Dal I'm just playing, take a joke will ya? Darry left yet? I'm gonna go smoke" I say 

"I think so, his truck ain't here" Johnny says looking out the window.

I walk outside and sit down on the porch swing. 

I spit out more blood over the side of the railing. I pull out a weed and lighter. I light it and put the lighter back in my pocket. I hear someone come outside and I look over and its Dal. I take a drag of my cancer stick. He sits next to me on the swing and stares out in the road. 

"You alright? You wanna talk about it?" I ask him, putting my arm around his shoulders. 

"Just some fucking dream I keep on having" He says, taking my weed. He takes a drag and hands it back. 

"Its this one where my old mans yelling at me and shit. It was the day I walked out and headed down here. He was calling me worthless, a piece of shit, and saying how I should've never even been there. I grabbed him by his shoulders and put him against the wall, all while he's got his beer bottle in one hand. I was saying how all he's done was do nothing but run everybody off and how he's the one whos a piece of shit. Next thing I fucking knew, he says something like well your the one who is or something and takes his damn beer bottle and knocks me almost completely out. In the dream, I got back up stumbling and grabbed my heater and shot him" He says looking at me, anger and fear in his eyes. 

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