Red wine

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Every saturday he sits in the same spot,at the same bar. He makes the same order and then he gets lost in his thoughts until the drinks are enough to make him forget the reason he was here. Some minutes after midnight another guy enters,trying to find his messed up friend between the drunk people. Once he does,he gives him the same soft smile and they're gone.

I don't really know him but that one time we talked was enough. Enough for me to not be able to take my eyes off him. Let's just say our meeting wasn't unintentional.

I've spotted him in his usual chair by the bar. He already had three empty glasses in front of him and one half-full in his hand. He was wearing a white  blouse and some blue jeans. So simple yet so attractive.

Once I realized that I was staring for too long, I handed to the bar asking for some red wine. I kept tapping my fingers on the counter, trying to control my shaky hands. I took the glass that was placed in front of me, left some cash and stood up. I put the phone on my ear and started talking while I was walking towards him.

God, I'm even talking to myself for him.

I made sure to go through the way that most people were dancing so I could have an excuse. I can see him. My heart is beating incredibly fast.That's it Julie, you got it. His head was lying in his hands. The moment I walked in front of him, I 'tripped' making the wine spill all over his white shirt and my glass fall. He  lifted his gaze from his hands and looked at me confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-I just tripped and-", I rambled nervously.

"It's okay, don't worry about it.", he almost whispered. A small comforting smile on his lips and I already lost my words.

"I'm really sorry again.", I apologized and was ready to leave but then his eyes met mine and made me remember why I was here. We stayed like that for some seconds. "Julie", I said giving him my hand.

"Luke",he shaked my hand. I'm freaking out. His eyes never left mine and neither his hand. It was like the world around us stopped. "I am sorry I actually have to go but it was nice meeting you Julie."

He rushed up from his chair but before leaving,he turned around and looked at me for the last time. He sighted and then walked out. What was that? He usually leaves in like two hours from now. What went wrong?

So after one month here I am still wondering what happened. I'm pretty sure he has already seen me many times but he never made a move to talk to me again. And after all this trying, we ended up as strangers again.

But today was different. He kept looking at the same glass for an hour or so without drinking it. He seemed nervous. His eyes went to the side of the bar that I was in. I knew that he has seen me. I could feel his eyes burning my skin from time to time. I didn't look up. I wouldn't give him the pleasure to know that I've noticed him.

And then again nothing. I realized that something was off the second his friend walked in. A tall guy with blonde hair and a light blue shirt. Gotta admit that he looks hot. Once Luke noticed him, his face's muscles seemed more relaxed.

An hour passed and they were just talking. Still no drinking. The guy that wasn't able to stop drinking until he reached the right amount to not remember anything. All of sudden, his friend stood up and start walking towards my side. I quickly called the bartender to order another drink. He came and sat next to me.

"Wine. Red.", I said and the bartender nodded.

The blonde guy stood beside me, that close that our shoulders almost brushed,"You know all this seems kinda stupid. Not trying to be rude but someone has to do something about it, you know?"

He paused and looked at me, "It's been like this for one or two months? When will you decide that's it's time to act? Both of you.You clearly are attracted to each other, so do something about it."

And with that, he left.

Saying that I was speechless was an understatement. My eyes laid on Luke and I realized he was already staring at me. I felt my cheeks heating up so I quickly looked away to hide it. When I looked again he was smiling. That's it. I took the glass and after leaving some cash on the counter I walked towards him. My hands were shaking until I reached to him. Here we go.

"He made you come, didn't he?", he asked laughing. His smile is so pretty.

"Nah, he just persuaded me to come."

"So you wanted to?",he seemed a bit nervous as I noticed how he played with the rings on his fingers.

"I am here, aren't I?", a smirk appeared on my face before I took a sip from my wine. His eyes went to my lips and back to my eyes.

"Guess you are",he bit his lower lip looking away."I'm glad that you are otherwise I don't know If I would be brave enough to come to you"

"So,what about getting to know each other? ", I asked him not breaking the eye contact. His eyes are making me melt.

"Sure but you go first."

We kept talking for hours like we knew each other forever. Turns out he is 23,a musician and I kept finding out many more interesting details about him. He seems so genuine and such a pretty soul. And I thought I couldn't want him more.

"So why you keep coming here? What's so special about it?" I asked while I was resting my head on my palm. He looked so calm and didn't I mention how pretty he is?

"Well, I started coming here after my sister's death. I just didn't know how to handle it so I started drinking and giving up on life. You kinda know the rest.", he placed his hand on the back of his neck, laughing nervously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"I guess that was the reason until you spilled some wine on my white shirt." He said laughing at the memory. " Then I kept coming to see you. I was too nervous to talk to you. I don't know. The other night I just freaked out and left. I didn't know how to act. I'm sorry about that by the way.", his eyes were stuck on mine.

He bit his lip before he continued,"But for some reason, I can't stop thinking about you."

And there was a pause, until I spoke, "At least we'll have a good 'how we met' story.",he laughed looking away and back at me.

I smiled softly and cupped his cheek, "I can't stop thinking about you either."

Next thing I remember was that he walked me home and just before I stepped away, he leaned and connected our lips. That moment I realized how much I want this man. One of his hand went behind my neck and one around my waist. I could feel his smile and that made explosions and the butterflies to appear everywhere.

Once I leaned back he didn't let me, kissing me again. He deepened the kiss making me want him even more if that was even possible. He kept drawing circles on my back caressing me. When we stopped he connected our foreheads and we stayed like that smiling.

I can say that he was worth the wait.

So here it isssss.
I'm so excited for this one, I really hope you like it too.
If you have any ideas my dms are always open.
Also since this chapter is called red wine,it didn't feel right without Taylor's song "red".
Thank you for reading<3

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