twenty without you.

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Heyy. So this one is a short chapter as an in-between to the others I'm writing. It's similar to the one I've already posted but mostly from Luke's view. Enemies to loves will be next and then I hope the story I'm pretty excited about will be posted. Enjoy.

His eyes led on her. Her pretty brown hair and those eyes. He would do anything for her. She was laughing at something his friend was saying. She looked perfect. He smiled slightly at the view. All it could take for him to be happy was being with her. She made all his problems seem so little.

She was all he ever wanted,but he couldn't do that to her. She was so young, she had her whole life to live and he was already dead. He couldn't give her nothing more than his love. But he thought that wasn't enough. After all,she deserves whatever she wants and that doesn't include him.

"Hey Luke,you okay?", Julie asked. He realized he was lost in his thoughts once again.

"Oh yes,totally.",Luke reassured her. She smiled at him and got back to her conversation with her other's band mates.

He had admitted to himself that he was in love with her. Julie was his biggest weakness. He would do anything for her, die all over again if it was necessary. But he couldn't take away her future cause all he could give her was the present, and that was not enough. So he decided to push her away,even that would kill him.


"Hey guys",Julie said walking into the studio. Reggie was watching a film, trying to cover all the time he has lost and Alex was drawing. He found that drawing was helping with his anxiety, so he kept coloring papers that Julie gave him. Luke was lying with his eyes closed,thinking.

The guys greeted her and she walked to the couch,sitting next to Reggie. He immediately made space looking forward to talk with his best friend about the new movie he was watching. Even though, Julie came for a specific reason, she spent more than 10 minutes listening to Reggie being all excited. The quality, the new actors, everything seemed so exciting for him. It made Julie happy to see him like this.

At some point, her eyes fell to the boy that ignored her. It was like he felt it and he suddenly opened his eyes, meeting hers. She gently smiled but he closed his eyes again. She got confused but didn't do anything. After some more minutes listening to Reggie, she finally spoke up.

"Hey Luke, I was having this great idea about a song. Mind helping me?", she didn't know why,but she felt nervous about his answer.

"Ehm",he paused thinking,"Not today Julie,maybe another time."


She thought. She was his Jules. She kept this nickname just for him and anyone who tried to call her like that, she told them off.

"Yeah,sure.",she said disappointed, "I'm gonna continue then,sorry Reg. I promise we'll talk about it later."

The black hair boy nodded and hugged her. His innocence made her love him even more.

No regrets/Jatp Where stories live. Discover now