When I kissed you, you held your breath

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We've known each other since forever, but not in the best way. You can't call us enemies but we loved to make each other mad. Guess it's our thing. And all this until we had the idea to put a bet.
Literally a life changing bet.

Our school each year participates in a music contest. All you have to do to participate is to write a song. Almost the whole school is trying to win. The three winners get money and they can meet some famous people and stuff. Of course, my only goal was to beat him.

Luke Patterson.

I've known him forever and he gets in my nerves since then. But this time it was different.

"Ready for the announcement, loser?", my eyes fell on his as he had this corky expression stuck in his face. I rolled my eyes and closed loudly my locker.

"I'm always ready to win, Patterson.",
I walked past him, following the crowd of students. He caught up, walking beside me.

"If you're that sure, why don't we make it more interesting?", his suggestion intrigued me and I nodded to him to continue.

"A bet. If I win you do something for me and if you win, even though there's no way, I do something for you.",he said with a smirk. I bit my lip and stopped walking,facing him.

"I'm listening."

"Well, if I win I need you to be my girlfriend.", he stated and I chocked with the air.

"The hell?"

"No,no,not like that. It's gonna be an act, all of it. I just need this girl to like me and making her jealous always works.", he crossed his arms as he had lost his smirk.

Is Luke nervous?

"Aw,Luke is in love."

"Of course not. It's just a bet I've put with myself. So that's my condition. Yours?", he asked. I heard the crowd getting louder and I tried to think something good.

"If I win", I took a step closer,"you'll have to help me get into a band."

"Oh,come on Julie,that's impossible.", I hit him in the back of his head and he laughed.

It wasn't that I couldn't get into one on my own, but the fact that our music's teacher mentioned in front of the whole class that I'm better as a solo and if I ever joined one, I'd basically stand out. So,it's normal for people to not want to get me involved.

"Fine, we have a deal?", he asked showing me his hand to shake. I nodded in agreement and we shook our hands. The adrenaline inside me was not raising for much left.

The first winner wasn't any of us.

Neither the second.

"Our third winner is Luke Patterson. "

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