season two

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Right now, I just wish I had more time

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Right now, I just wish I had more time.

Season 2: episode 1.


My eyes opened and all I could see was black. I rubbed the back of my head and took a look around. Where was I? I certainly was in a dark room. I tried to look for someone else without success. I started to panic.

All I could remember was that we played in the Orpheum and the guys glowing. Then just nothing.

I tried to stand up but my legs betrayed me, as I fell back to the ground. I groaned in pain, and supported my body to the wall. I tried to take deep breathes so I could calm down. Questions kept coming up about everything and I had no answer to any of them.

I stayed like this for a while when a blinding light appeared from a door that wasn't even there one minute ago. That's definitely creepy. I put my hand in front of my eyes trying to block it as much as I could.

"Well,well if it isn't for our wonderful Julie.", a voice behind that light said.

What is going on?

"Who are you?", I asked. As the light, finally, became less bright I saw a man standing in front of me. He was old and tall and had a scary look on his face.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself, I'm sorry my dear. My name is Caleb and you officially are in my club.", he stated and opened his arms, showing the room. "Glorifying, isn't?"

"Y-you are Caleb?", I almost whispered and pushed myself closer to the wall.If that's Caleb then that means-

My boys.

"Where are they?", I asked. I almost forgot that he had kidnapped me. The thought of losing them, made me find some strength I guess.

"Oh, we have plenty of time to talk about this. Come on, sit down.", he said and with a snap of his fingers a two couches appeared. " I said sit.",he repeated with a serious tone. I bit my lip trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Well, Julie, I really don't have anything against you. The truth is that I even need you to stay here in good conditions. You're extremely precious to all of us here.", he said smiling.

"What does that mean?", I whispered.

"It means that you, my dear, have the power to make me rule the world. I know, I know,it sounds silly. But imagine having the ability to control the lifers,the ghosts and the other side at the same time and no one could ever be able to stop you. Wouldn't that be amazing?",his tone made him seem even more confident in his own words.

"I don't understand. What do I have to do with all this?",my voice was barely coming out of my dry throat.

"You are my source, of course. It wasn't easy to find you, but the second you made that band glow and stay on this side I knew you were the one. I mean, don't you already feel it? It must be exhausting. ", he said and my eyes fell at my shaking hands. I crossed them, trying to hide them. I realised I wasn't fast enough as I saw him looking at them, smirking.

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