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This is an introduction to get to know the main character and the plot. Interesting parts come right away.

I know that life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Sometimes our reality is a problem we have to experience, but that's why we have to solve it. And from time to time we are not the cause of the problem that becomes our life. People are the cause of everything. Happiness, problems, anger ... everything. It has always been so and it is a system that every man lives by.

It's December. It was an extremely cold winter in either not so warm London, but certainly snowier than any last.

The house I lived in was extremely cold, primarily because I was the only one who actually lived in it. My father has been dead for years. He was killed. He was in some kind of debt and as it usually happens for any debt, if you don't have money, you have blood to pay with it. He was the pillar of our family and when he was killed, that pillar disappeared and then everything collapsed.

It started first with my older brother-Robert Miller. At the age of 27, his life took the opposite path from which there is no going back. I'm not sure what led him there, but he started taking drugs. First it was some suspicious company, then late outings, then alcohol, so he wasn't home for a few days, and then he came back completely unconscious.He was drugged. This has been happening for a year now and for him,it ended up being a complete addict who does not accept help. I don't know where he gets his money for drugs, or what he consumes, but now he has no way back. It all came down to the day when I would get a call and receive the news that he had overdosed and was gone.

Then, there's my mother, Agnes Miller. She's been in a deep and incurable depression since it all happened. I'll never forgive myself for not taking her hand in time and pulling her out of that abyss. There doesn't seem to be a way back for her either.She is alive, of course. She breathes. She is here. But again, like she is not. She has her own dark world from which she has not come out for more than a year. Her suicide attempts have become everyday.

I know that one day I will be left completely alone, but it doesn't affect me anymore. I've been alone for a long time. My mother doesn't seem to be there, and my brother is barely there. And when he's there, he's drugged.
Maybe it would be nicer for them if they were dead. I'm the only one who hasn't given up in this house. I want to do something about myself one day. I don't want to end up like my family.

All that is too hard and it always occurs me to just kill myself and end up with everyone, but life doesn't seem to work that way. You fight while you're alive. Or you don't have to fight, just give up.

After I put the last notebook in my backpack, I went to college. I am 21 years old and I am in my third year of economics. After college, I don't usually come home. I work in a store late, because we still have to live from something, and my mom and brother aren't capable for that. It is a great help that I don't have to pay for college, because I have got the budget.

Also, a lot of credit goes to my boss who immediately gave me a job. Probably because he is gay too and he saw that maybe he has a chance with me. Of course there is no chance because I am not in a situation where I can afford a partner. He knows that now, but still he kept me at work.We are pretty close and honestly , I don't know how I would have survived if there was no one who made me laugh every time.Jacob is something special, even if we are just very good friends.

My life works by going to college in the morning, then I'm at work until 10 in the evening, and then I study until 4 in the morning and I have 3 hours of sleep left. Sometimes not even that.

I put the firewood in the stove to keep the house warm for at least a few hours. Then I left the house and headed for college. It was wickedly cold outside. I put on my gloves and immediately put my hands in my pockets.


The classes ended at two o'clock in the afternoon and I went to eat a muffin from the bakery. After that I immediately went to work and took over the shift. Since there were not so many customers, I managed to learn something I needed for college.


At eleven I locked the local and went home dead tired. I put on my headphones because I was really sick of the silence.

I passed in a small passage between two hills which was now very dark and I could hardly see where I was going, but it was the closest way to the bus station, and I did not go a long way after a long day.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab me by the shoulder, but I saw absolutely nothing. In a panic, I took off my headphones and hurried to go out as soon as possible.

However, it could not be so. I felt a strong blow to the jaw that knocked me to the ground.

ME: "Who's that? What do you want? I don't have money!"

XXX: "Shut up fool."

That was said by an extremely deep and unpleasant voice of a man who, it seems to me, was a little older. At least I could tell by his voice.

Some of them, I don't know how many there were, turned on the flash on the phone. Then I saw their faces a little better.I mean,I saw their eyes and hair. They had some black material around their faces, like medical masks.

There were three of them. One, it seems to me the oldest, was standing right in front of me. He was bald and he was looking at me with a dose of disgust. Next to him was an extremely tall figure with black long hair. And on the right, stood a man, probably my age, with blond-brown hair and also blue eyes. He looked like he wasn't from here. Maybe he's Russian?

XXX: "Tell Robert his payment deadline is long overdue. It's only a matter of time before we find him and kill him ... of course, if the money isn't ready."

That bald guy talked all the time.

ME: "Who are you? He hasn't been home in a while."

Then, a tall black-haired guy kicked me in the stomach which caused quite a sharp pain. He grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me off the ground only to hit me in the eye again. I didn't defend myself, because I know I would end up much worse then.

XXX: "Do you think I'm interested in that? If he doesn't show up and return the money, someone will have to! You're the only one in contact with him!"

ME: "Don't get me involved in your dirty shit! I can go to the police right now!"

XXX: "Listen, boy...I can tell them to kill you these second. Don't challenge me. I'll destroy that beautiful face of yours. If I say something, it has to be that way."

ME: "Then find Robert and work it out with him."

XXX: "You think I wouldn't, if I know where he is!"

He tore at me and hit me in the eye again. I will definitely have a terrible bruise there.

The blue-eyed figure said nothing, just stared silently.

XXX: "You have two days to find Robert. Let's go." He ordered and the two just followed him.

How the hell should I find Robert?

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