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I felt kisses all over my face and neck and that woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Nikita on me. Wait, everything that happened last night is actually real? We have had sex and I told him how much I liked him. Holy shit.

NIKITA: "Why are you staring at me like that?"

ME: "Nothing...I'm just making sure that all of this is real. It's hard for me to believe that all this is happening, you know? Especially to me..."

NIKITA: "It's real." We "are real. Start believing it."

ME: "I love you...Did I tell you that?"

He smiled briefly and it took him a few seconds to answer. He looked at me with warm eyes all the time and showed me how much I meant to him, without even saying a word. He's just too beautiful.

NIKITA: "Actually, you didn't....You just said you liked me.

ME: "Oh...yeah."

NIKITA: "I love you too,William."

He came down and hugged me tightly. I have never been so happy, nor have I ever loved anyone so much. I stuck my head between his neck. There is no more beautiful and complete feeling than when you are in the arms of a person for whom you would give your life.

NIKITA: "So..."

He moved his head and leaned it against my shoulder.

NIKITA:"You're staying here,right?"

ME:"Do you went me to stay here?"

NIKITA:"And what do you think?"

ME:"Well,you should tell me."

NIKITA:"It doesn't matter if you don't want to stay.I won't let you go however."

ME: "What are you going to do? To kidnap me?"

NIKITA: "You're mine, William. It's not a matter of whether I want you to stay or not, it's a fact that I can't let you go. I love you, okay? Because of you...because of you I feel like I have a purpose and a meaning in my life. I want to be with you. I want us to live together. That would mean that you will be the first thing I see when I open my eyes, as well as when I close them...And that's all I want. "

I'm gonna die.I swear. He's just too good for me.

ME: "Oh my God, Nikita...Nobody ever told me anything like that."

NIKITA: "You deserve to be loved and happy, William. You deserve it more than anyone."

ME: "I want to stay with you too. Honestly, I'm afraid to be left alone and without you. No one has ever fought so hard for me and really...You make me happy, Nikita."

He put his hand on my face and pulled me. He joined our lips and kissed me slowly. I stuck my hand in his hair and returned every kiss. I don't want this to ever stop.

NIKITA: "I promise you that I will stay with you forever."



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