Chapter 4

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The losers were currently at the Neibolt hose fighting the killer clown. Richie and Bill were trying to break through a door to get to Eddie who was about to be killed by pennywise and was screaming bloody murder.

Eddie had just fell from the upstairs to the downstairs right on his arm, breaking it. They two boys finally broke through and pennywise turned to look at them. "Eddie!" Richie yelled out of fear.

"Am I real enough for you Billy? I'm not real enough for you!" Pennywise asked.

"Holy shit-." Richie sighed. They were going to die.

"I was real enough for Georgie!" He chuckled. Pennywise charged at Bill when the rest of the losers showed up and Beverly stabbed him with the part of the fence right in the head. Eddie started hyperventilating slightly.

"Get Eddie!" Mike yelled and Bill, Richie, and Beverly ran over to the boy on the floor.

"Hurry!" Ben yelled.

Pennywise turned around and starting walking slowly towards Eddie. "Hurry!" Beverly yelled.

"Guys! Help! He's going to kill me!"

Pennywise acted like he was going to cut Eddie with his sharp claws, but instead he got Ben's stomach before disappearing. "Guys help." Eddie cried out.

"I- i'm going to snap it back into place." Richie rushed out.

"Do not fucking touch me!" Eddie yelled.

Richie didn't listen and did a countdown to three. There was a crack that Beverly cringed at and Eddie screamed out in pain. "Sorry." Richie said quietly.

"Guys let's go! Before he comes back!" She yelled.

They all evacuated to Bills house where Eddies mom was waiting and let's just say, she wasn't pleased. Eddie somehow found a way to blame everything on Richie and now Eddie was banned from seeing any of them for the rest of the summer.

The losers were now walking back to their houses. Richie was trying to cool off, but he was so angry and sad. He felt betrayed. "What the fuck is his problem! A fucking asshole is what he is! He makes me want to... UGH!" Richie ranted.

"Rich chill." Bill smiled. "I saw the well. W- w-w-w-we know where it is and next time we'll be prepared.

"NO! No next time Bill! You are insane!" Stanley screamed. Bill felt a pain in his chest. Yeah he was insane, Stanley was right. The boy he liked would never in a million years like him back. They were just friends.

"Why? We all know nobody else is going to do anything." Beverly said.

"Eddie was nearly killed! I mean look at this motherfucker!" Richie pointed at Ben. "He's leaking hamburger helper!"

"We can't just pretend it's going to go away, i mean Ben you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years." Beverly reasoned.

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here!" Richie snapped. "I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too!

"Richie." Bill warned.

"Because I want to run towards something, not away!" Beverly snapped back.

Richie let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald to the group!" Beverly gave him a death glare as she flipped him off.

"RICHIE! FOR THE LAST TIME, CHILL OUT!" Bill screamed louder then anyone had ever heard him. They all froze beside Richie who stepped closer.

"Don't tell me to fucking chill Bill!" Richie snapped. "This is all your fault! If you weren't to rapped up in trying to save your dead brother then maybe we wouldn't all be going fucking insane! So don't fucking tell me to chill out when you are the one that is the most insane right now!"

"T-t-t-take it back! You're all scared and we all are, but take it back!" Bill yelled pushing him slightly. Richie pushed him back and then Bill through a punch at him, hitting Richie square in the face.

Mike and Stan quickly stepped in, holding Richie back as Ben tried to hold Bill back. "You're just a bunch of losers who are going to get killed!"

"Richie!" Stan yelled.

"Fuck off!" Richie yelled back, tears forming in his eyes.

"STOP!" Beverly finally yelled and they all stopped. "This is what it wants! It wants to divide us! We were all together when we heard it. That's why we are still alive!"

"Yeah." Richie escaped Mike and Stans arms. "Well I plan to keep it that way." Eddie who was watching from the safety of his upstairs window, felt a pain of guilt when he saw Richie running away with tears streaming down his face. Maybe if he wasn't being such a idiot none of this would have happened. This was his fault...

With that, the losers club was over.

Alone Again | Reddie (unfinished, but no longer writing)Where stories live. Discover now