Chapter 13

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Eddie was waiting on a bench at the park when Victor Criss walked over to him. Eddie groaned. "Look just because you just woke up from a comma almost a year after Henry Bowers slit your throat and your parents just moved back to this shit hole doesn't mean you can go and terrorize people weaker than you."

Victor sighed before getting ready to explain himself. "No you have me wrong." Eddie raised an eyebrow. "I never liked being a bully. I've been Henry's best friend since kindergarten and when he started being a asshole he had that control over me. I was scared. I am so sorry. You know i'm a loser too."

"Interesting. Stay here and prove to all of us losers why you are and maybe if you are lucky you will become a official losers." Eddie stated leaning back into the bench slowly. Stephanie arrived minutes later and sat down next to Eddie. Soon the others did.

"HEY ASSHOLES!" Beverly yelled running towards them, the rest of them behind her.

"Why the hell is Criss here." Ash snarled sitting down next to Eddie. "I thought this was about you and-."

Eddie slapped a hand over her mouth. "Will you shut the hell up Tozier. You are worse than your brother sometimes when it comes to never shutting up. He has some things to tell you. Also Ash you weren't invited. This whole thing involves you too so leave."

She shrugged and ran off.

"Also can you guys not call me Criss. I hate it. My family are assholes." Victor stated.

"Like you are much different." Stan murmured, but Eddie shot him a glare and he dropped the attitude.

"Did you guys ever realize how I never actual bullied any of you and how I just kind of stood behind Henry?" They all shook their heads no. "Well I never did. Henry and Patrick were my childhood best friends and they manipulated me and Belch continuously. We were scared. We never meant to hurt you guys. Look I'm a big ass loser too."

"And why is that?" Bill asked stepping forward towards Victor.

"Well let's see. I get manipulated to easily, I'm way to emotional, I'm also secretly a nerd and straight A student, and the biggest one is i'm a fucking fairy. So I think that all considers me a loser." He then held out his hand in-front of Bill, knowing that he was the leader of the club. "So am I in the club?"

Bill looked skeptical for a second before shaking Victors hand. "In wise words of Richie, welcome to the losers club asshole." Victor smiled which was weird because no one had ever seen him smile before.

"Since I technically never explained why i'm a loser I will now. I'm also a fucking fairy who likes my ex boyfriend's crush's sister and i'm bullied by basically all the juniors and seniors." Stephanie explained.

"Okay so i'm now realizing this. You all just need to admit you are gay to each other to get it off your shoulders. Let's all say our sexuality's to get to know each other more. I'm aro/ace which I don't know if you would consider that gay or not." Mike explained.

"Bisexual." Beverly said

"Gay." Eddie shrugged.

"Pansexual." Bill smiled.

"Gay." Stan stated.

"Gay." Victor said.

"Bisexual." Stephanie smiled.

"I'm not gay. Just straight." Ben shrugged.

They all then sat their for hours, discussing their plan. Stan was the one with the most ideas and Victor was the note taker.

Alone Again | Reddie (unfinished, but no longer writing)Where stories live. Discover now