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Skylar Evans sat on the swings, rocking back and forth. All while random kids, most from different classes crowded around her. All having different conversations, about random topics.

"I heard Tyler said stupid earlier. We should tell on him."

"Don't tell anyone I told you this. But I have a crush on Skylar. Don't tell her!"

"My mom bought me new shoes. Aren't they pretty?"

Skylar sighed. She didn't know half of these kids, and didn't want to pretend that she did. While most were distracted, she slipped away, and made her way to the track near the playground. As she continued her stroll, she noticed a boy walking a few feet in front of her. Skylar tilted her head in confusion. She hadn't seen him before. He must be from a different class.

Skylar picked up speed, trying to catch up with him. He seemed to sense her behind him, so he picked up speed. Skylar of course noticed, and hurried to catch up until she was shoulder length with him.

"Hi, I'm Skylar, but you can call me Sky if you want." the girl said, smiling.

"I'm Jacob." the boy responded awfully quietly. Skylar almost didn't hear him.

Although it took a while, Jacob eventually warmed up to Sky, and they got along quickly.

"Your voice sound different." Jacob laughed.

"I'm from England." Skylar smiled.

"Oh, that's cool."

"Do you want to be my friend?" Skylar asked, hands folded together in the back of her.

"Yes." Jacob said, smiling.

Just then, Emily, a "friend" of Skylars, came running up behind them, placing her hand on Sky's shoulder, forcing her to turn around.

"There you are! I've been looking for you!" Emily said, not acknowledging Jacob, who stood behind Sky, looking at the ground.

"Come back to the playground, we're about to play hide and seek." Emily said.

Skylar looked at Jacob behind her. He looked up at her for a second, only to look back down at his feet, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Um, no thanks, Emily. I'd rather stay and chat with Jacob." Sky said, stepping back from the blonde haired girl.

Emily placed her hands on her hips, seeming annoyed.

"But we're friends!" Emily said, her high pitched voice annoying Jacob and Sky.

"Jacob is my friend too." Skylar said. Even though she couldn't see it, she knew that Jacob smiled behind her.

Emily, like the cry-baby she was, started to cry. Her arms were folded, and she looked at the ground while tears ran down from her blue eyes, and down her porcelain skin.

"Fine! We're not friends anymore then, Skylar! I'm leaving!" Emily said, slamming her foot on the ground. Jacob gave her an annoyed look.

"Okay, then. Bye Em." Skylar said, turning back around to Jacob motioning for them to continue walking. While Emily still stood behind them shocked.

She didn't expect Skylar to walk away.

"Seriously! I'm leaving!" she shouted after them.

"Bye!" Skylar shouted back.

"I'm walking away! I'm leaving!"

"Then leave already!" Skylar said back, not turning around.

Emily angrily stomped away, tears still running down her face. The two new friends walked on, chatting until the end of recess.

They began to have play dates, role plays such as "house", Skylar often taking the role as mom. Jacob often played the dad. Stupid kid stuff.


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