chapter fifteen.

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Two weeks had passed, and the dreaded day had arrived. Today was the trial day. Skylar had woken up early, showered and dressed in fancy attire, as it was required. After Skylar had gotten dressed, she called Jake.

"Hey. You ready?" she asked.

"I guess so."

"It's okay to be anxious. Just breathe. It always helps."

"Skylar, time to go! Don't wanna be late!" Kelly shouted from downstairs.

"Alright, Jake, I've got to go. But I'll see you at the trial."

"Okay, bye Sky." Jake said.

"See ya, Jake."

Skylar hung up the phone, and walked downstairs and saw Kelly waiting by the door.

"Ready to go, love?" she asked.

"Yup. I'm ready."

The two got into the car, and drove to the courthouse. The whole ride there, Skylar felt nervous. She had every right to be. But Jacob didn't do anything wrong.

Did he?

.•° ✿ °•.

Skylar walked into the courtroom, and sat in between Laurie and Andy. Across the room at the next table was Mr. and Mrs. Rifkin. Sky hasn't seen them in a while. Then again, deep down she didn't want to see them. Thirty minutes had passed, and she had zoned out until Neil, the lawyer for the Rifkin's called her name.

"Plantiff calls, Skylar Evans to the stand." Neal said, gesturing to her.

Skylar looked at Andy nervously. "It's okay, kiddo. Just tell him everything you know."

Skylar nodded, and got up, walking to the stand. In front of her, a man placed a bible in front of her, and had her put her hand on it, while Sky's other hand was raised in the air. It was all a bit silly, but it was mandatory.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help your God?" he asked.

"I do." Skylar said, confidently.

"Skylar, are you and Jacob Barber friends?" Neal asked her.

"Yes, we have been for years."

"Your accent. Are you from England?"

"I am."

"Where in England?"

"Your honor, I don't see how this question is relevant to the case." Joanna spoke.

"Overruled, please ask questions that are relevant to this case, Mr. Loguidice."

Neal nodded his head, with a grin on his face. "Of course, your honor."

"Skylar, what did you do on the morning Benjamin Rifkin was murdered?"

"I woke up, changed, and got ready for school. I usually walk, so that's what I did."

"And when did you see Jacob? The exact time?"

"Um, I don't remember exactly, but probably around 8:30."

"Did he seem.. different? Quieter?"

"Well, yeah, but he's always quiet, so I didn't think much of it."

"You didn't think much of that fact that Jacob could've killed your friend, Ben?" Neal smiled.

"Okay, first of all, I didn't know that Ben was dead at the time, okay?" Skylar snapped at him.

"Miss Evans, please calm down. No need to raise your voice." the judge said.

"Sorry." Skylar apologized.

Neal was really getting on Skylar's nerves. She hated the way he was so confident with his questions. Skylar couldn't help but think that he had something to do with Ben's murder.

"Miss Evans, when was the last time you spoke with Ben?" Neal asked.

"Earlier that morning. He had texted me, saying that he needed to give me something, and to meet him outside the school entrance."

"I did, but he never came."

"And that made you angry?"

"Yes, but I'm sure it would make anyone angry, wouldn't it?" Skylar said, folding her arms.

"And Miss Evans, do you admit to texting Benjamin Rifkin threatening text messages, such as, Ill f you up, and Benjamin Rifkin, answer the damn phone right now. Or it'll be the last thing you do?"

Skylar could see Mr. and Mrs. Rifkin looking up at her in shock. Nonetheless, Skylar stayed silent, and Joanna spoke up again. "Your honor, I'm sure that Miss Evans was joking. Kids joke around like that all the time. They say threatening things, but don't actually mean it."

The judge was silent for a second. "Sustained. Please answer the question, Miss Evans."

"Yes. I admit to sending threatening messages. But I was just joking, I would never actually hurt Ben like that. It was just a poor choice of words." Skylar said, while looking down.

"Plus, I sent those after he died. How could I kill him, and then send threatening text messages? Makes no sense."

"I didn't kill Ben. He was a friend of mine. Yes, he was rude sometimes, but not enough make me actually want to kill him."

Neal smirked, "No further questions, your honor." he walked back over to his seat. Next, it was Joanna's turn.

"Miss Evans, when you first found out that Ben was dead, where were you and how did you feel?" Joanna asked her.

"I was at Jacob's house because my mum was working late. I went into the bathroom, and cried. I was very upset. Then Jacob came in, and wiped my eyes."

"How sweet. Has Jacob ever showed signs of violence towards you, or anyone you know?"

"No, not that I know of."

"We found violent pornography on his laptop. Did you know that he watched this kind of stuff?"

"No, I didn't."

"Are you familiar with J.O.B. stories, Miss Evans?"

Skylar shook her head. "No."

"No further questions, your honor."

Skylar was allowed to leave the stand, and go back to her seat. Andy whispered in her ear, "You did great." Skylar smiled, and watched the next person be called to the stand.

Author's note: yeet.

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