chapter fourteen.

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Skylar had just finished putting her new clothes away, when she heard her phone ding. Thinking it was Jake, she picked it up, but it was from an unknown number.

hi skylar
who's this?

oh sorry. should've said my name. but it's sarah.

oh. hey sarah. what's up? btw how did get my number?

jacob gave it to me. i was wondering if you'd like to come over for a sleepover.

oh, sure. i'll have to ask my mom, but i'm sure it'll be fine.

cool beans. hopefully i'll see you later.

"Mum, can I go over to Sarah's house?" Skylar asked, coming downstairs.

"Who's Sarah?" Kelly asked, looking up from the pan. She was cooking lunch.

"A friend. She just texted me."

"Oh, uh. Well. I guess that's fine."

"Thanks Mum!" Skylar said, kissing her cheek.

She went back upstairs to pack a small bag full of clothes and toiletries. She got another text message, but it was from Jake.

hey. do you want to come over?

sorry. can't. i'm hanging out with sarah.

since when?
shut up. she's a friend.

again, since when? you hardly talk to her.

again, shut the hell up. ttyl bai

Skylar then texted Sarah to let her know she was coming, and asked what her address was. After she had confirmed the address, Skylar made her way downstairs. She stopped to put on her shoes, and said goodbye to her Mum, walking out the door.

Skylar could've sworn that someone was following her. But she ignored the thought, and made her way to Sarah's house as fast as possible.

                                   .•° ✿ °•.

Sarah and Skylar laughed, while eating snacks, sitting on her bed.

"Jake one time wore a bunny outfit in fifth grade! Back then, it was cute, but now that I think about it, it's just plain old funny." Skylar laughed, while shoving popcorn into her mouth.

Sarah laughed, "Wait, why?"

"I think it was costume day or something." Skylar shrugged, her mouth full of popcorn.

"How long have you know Jacob?" Sarah asked.

Skylar put her finger out to signal that she had to finish chewing, and Sarah laughed.

"Since third grade. I had moved from England about a month earlier, but didn't meet him until later." Skylar said, after she finished chewing the popcorn.

"I had saw him walking around on the track, and we became friends. One of my friends, Emily tried to get me to come back, but I refused. And then she cried."

Sarah laughed, "That's kind of babyish."

"It was. You know, I actually saw her earlier today. At the mall, we both wanted the same sweater."

"Did you get it?"

"Mmhm. Have to admit, she had good taste." Skylar joked.

"Do you want to bake cookies?" Sarah asked.


The two girls got up, and down to the kitchen. Skylar almost tripped down the stairs. They were hysterical.

"Okay, for the ingredients, we need flour, sugar, unsalted butter, chocolate chips and vanilla extract."

Sarah preheated the oven, and made the batter while Skylar made icing. Obviously, you don't put icing on cookies, but who cares.

The cookies had finished baking, and the two girls were devouring them while watching back to back episodes of iCarly and Victorious. They were great shows. That went on for the rest of the night. Episodes of random TV shows, while snacking on junk food. Chips, cookies, candy brownies, pretty much anything with sugar or salt. Yes, it isn't good for you, but it's delicious. And that's all that matters.

Author's note: not me looking a whole ass website to see the ingredients for cookies. 💀💀

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