chapter three.

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Skylar quickly sat as up as Laurie Barber walked in the front door. Jacob and Skylar had been in an "interesting" cuddling position, which would've had Laurie be suspicious.

"Oh, hello Sky." Laurie greeted the British girl.

"Hi, Mrs. Barber." Skylar said sweetly.

"Are you having supper with us?"

"If it's alright?"

"Of course, sweetie. You're welcome here."

                                   .•° ✿ °•.

Laurie, Jacob and Skylar sat at the kitchen counter, munching away on a bland supper. Which if we're being honest, Skylar didn't enjoy. Laurie wasn't the best cook, but Skylar obviously didn't say that. We as a society decided that saying someone's cooking was awful was considered rude. It really isn't, if you think about it. It's just honest criticism. If you get offended by it, you're just sensitive.

"Do you think I should text Ben? Tell him off for not texting me back?" Skylar asked Jacob who munched on a piece of broccoli.

Laurie looked up from her late, seeming shocked.

"She doesn't know." Laurie thought.

"Oh, Sky. You don't know?" Laurie asked the girl.

"Know what?"

"Ben. He was found dead this morning. He had been stabbed three times in the chest. I'm so sorry, honey. You didn't know?"

She didn't answer. Skylar's heart dropped. No wonder Ben didn't respond to her message.

He was dead.

Skylar covered her mouth in shock. She began to feel tears forming in her eyes. She never cried. Most things didn't upset her. But this. This was different.

"Sky, are you okay?" Jacob asked.

"May I be excused?" Skylar asked, already up. She wiped a tear that fell from her cheek.

"Of course."

Skylar walked to the bathroom, sniffing. She closed the door behind her, and sat down on the toilet. She placed her face in her hands. Ben had been murdered. Just like that. Sure, he could've been an ass, but no one deserves a death as brutal as Ben's.

Stabbed three times in the chest.

Skylar heard a knock on the door. Right then and there, she knew it was Jacob.

"Sky, it's Jacob. Can I come in?"

"The door is open."

Jacob walked in and found Sky, on the toilet. Her face still in her hands. He kneeled down to her level. Jacob gently removed her hands from her face, and held them in his. He hated to see his best friend like this.

"I'm sorry." was all he said.

Skylar nodded and sniffled. Jacob reached for the toilet paper, taking a bit off the roll and using it to wipe her face free from tears.

"Thank you, Jacob."


The two teens kept their gaze on each other. Jacob's eyes roamed down to Sky's pink lips. It was quiet. Only the sound from their breathing. Skylar could've sworn she had saw Jacob start to lean in. Until a knock was heard on the door.

"You two okay in there?" Laurie asked.

Neither of them said anything. Until Jacob got up to open the door.

"I was just cleaning her up."

"Alright, well come finish supper."

Skylar and Jacob walked out to kitchen to finish supper. Though, Skylar wasn't really in the mood to eat anymore. So, she excused herself, and walked up to Jake's room. She sat down on the bed, wiping her tears every few minutes.

Jacob came in not too long after, and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her into a sort of hug.

"It'll be okay."

authors note: movies or books? for me, it depends on the movie and book. like harry potter. yes, the movies are good, but they always leave out scenes from the book in the movie, which really annoys me. also then got rid of s.p.e.w! how rude

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