chapter twenty two.

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Andy, Laurie, Jacob and Skylar were on the plane heading back to Massachusetts. They had decided to leave early. But there was even worse news.

They were moving. To Colorado, meaning Skylar would be alone. Her best friend of six years was leaving. She didn't say much for the ride back.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked, holding his hand in hers.

"Mmhm. Just upset." Skylar said, not looking at him.

"If it makes you feel better, I don't want to leave." Jacob suggested.

Skylar chuckled, "It does a bit. Thanks."

.•° ✿ °•.

After a long day of traveling, Skylar finally returned home, happy to see her Mum again.

"Hey, love. How was the trip?" Kelly asked, when she got settled in.

"It was okay." Skylar said, shrugging. "Would go again one day."

For some reason, Skylar felt upset. Mainly because Jacob was moving. Yes, they could text each other, but it wouldn't be the same. To lift her spirits up, Skylar walked over to Sarah's house. The two girls immediately engulfed each other in a hug.

"When we were in Mexico, this guy harassed me. He tried to get me to talk with him longer, but I refused. He didn't like that, so he grabbed my wrist, and tried pulling back."

"That's awful." Sarah said.

"I eventually had to spit in his face to get him to leave me alone. Then I ran to find Jake. And the next morning, police questioned us because some girl named Hope was kidnapped."

"They found her eventually, but it was a very long process."

"Well, that's good then."

"Yeah, but she kind of annoyed me cause she was like obsessed with Jacob."

Sarah laughed. The two girls hung out, until Kelly texted Skylar that it was time to go.

That night, Skylar had a horrible nightmare. A figure in all black had her pinned against the ground, with a knife in his hand.

Skylar's own scream woke her up. Kelly was sitting by her bed she woke up.

"Are you okay? I heard you screaming." Kelly asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm okay. Just had a bad nightmare."

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