chapter five.

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Skylar woke up in Jacob's bed. His arms were still wrapped around her. She tried to wiggle herself out of his grasp without waking him up.

Of course, that failed. Typical.

Jacob stirred and opened his eyes. Skylar turned to face him. She smiled.

"Morning, Jake."

Jacob smiled back. "Morning, Sky."

The two continued to stare into each other's eyes until Andy came through the door, causing them both to look up.

"Morning, kiddos. Skylar, your mom is here to pick you up."

"Oh, okay." Skylar got up, out of Jacob's grasp to gather her backpack.

"I'll see you at school later, Jake." Skylar said, placing her hand in his.

"Yeah. See you."

.•° ✿ °•.

Kelly had decided to drive Skylar to school for a while. She didn't like the idea of having her daughter walk to school with a killer on the loose. Like any good parent would do. Skylar didn't say much for the entire ride. Nothing much to say.

"How are you feeling, honey?"

"About what?"

Kelly chuckled. "About everything. The murder, Ben. Just in general."

"Oh. I'm okay."

The mother and daughter duo were quiet for a while. Until Kelly spoke again.

"Well, just know if you need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay?"

"I know. Thanks Mum."

Kelly pulled into the drop off, and Sky grabbed her bag, pulling herself out of the car, waving a small goodbye to her mum, which she gladly returned.

Skylar walked up to the front of the school, and saw Jake a few feet in front of her. She was about to say hi, until she was pulled away by Olivia, a popular girl from the same clique.

"Hey, Sky!"

"Liv, I'm really not in the mood right now. I need to talk to Jake." Skylar said, not making eye contact with Olivia.

Olivia scoffed. "Ugh, you still talk to that freak?"

"If by freak you mean someone who doesn't talk about how many people they've slept with 24/7, then yes." Skylar rolled her eyes.


Skylar scanned around outside, and made eye contact with Derek. He was looking right at her. Sky never liked him. He was a sick bastard, who needed to be put in his place.

Skylar gave him a nasty look, and walked past her popular kids clique, and into the school. While walking, Skylar felt someone bump into her shoulder. She turned to see a girl she knew as Sarah Grohl. She only knew her because they had been paired up for a science project once. But that was months ago, and they haven't talked since.

"Oh, sorry, Skylar." Sarah apologized.

"No problem, Sarah. Haven't seen you in a while."

Sarah muttered a yeah. "Um, I'm sorry about Ben. I know you were really close to him."

Skylar sighed. She didn't really want to talk about that topic anymore. It made her feel worse.

"Thanks. Uh, I'll see you around." Skylar said, already walking away. "Oh, bye." Sarah said after her.

.•° ✿ °•.

Skylar walked into her math classroom. She saw Derek sitting next to one of his friends, but she paid no attention to him. She tried to be unproblematic. She walked to her desk, which luckily was right next to Jacob. He smiled when he saw her sit down.

"I hate math." Skylar said, once she got her stuff together.

"Jake chuckled, "Me too. We're never gonna need this shit when we get jobs."

"As much as I wish that was true, it isn't. We might need a little math here and there."

"Well, I'm gonna get a job that doesn't require a lot of math." Jacob said.

"What makes you so confident that you'll even get a job?" Skylar teased.

"My good looks." Jacob winked.

"So you're gonna seduce the interviewer?"


Skylar laughed, "Good luck with that, Barber."

While Jacob was distracted, Skylar muttered to herself.

"It would work on me."

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