chapter twenty three.

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it better not be ugly

and it has to be neat

it will.


yes i promise

Skylar was texting with Jake. Laurie was taking him to get a haircut, and she was lecturing him about how it needs to be neat. Skylar trusted his judgment, so she wasn't worried.

About two hours had past, and there wasn't a sign from Jacob. Skylar decided to text him.

hey u almost done?


jake u there?


ok i'm going to your house right now

Skylar grabbed her coat, and made her way to the Barber's house. Surely he was done by now. Skylar arrived to see Andy about to get into the car.

"Mr. Barber, is Jake home?" Skylar asked.

"No. He's at the hospital, he and Laurie got into an accident." he said, with a small tear in his eye.

"What?! I'm coming with you!" Skylar said, already getting into the car.

Andy and Skylar drove off to the hospital, neither of them saying a word the whole ride. They ran into the lobby, and spoke with nurse.

"I'm here for Jacob and Laurie Barber." Andy said.

The lady at the front desk gestured to the room, and they immediately went in the direction. Andy went to Laurie, while Skylar went to Jacob's room. There he was, laying there unconscious. Skylar began to cry. She couldn't stop. She sat at the edge of the bed, crying into her hands. She felt a hand placed on her shoulder. She immediately knew it was Andy.

Skylar spent the rest of the day with him, until visiting hours were over, and she was forced to leave. Andy dropped her back home and walked her to her front door. Skylar crashed into Andy's arms, sobbing into his chest.

"Why.." she said into his chest. Andy gently stroked her back.

"I know, kiddo." Andy comforted her.

After Andy left, Skylar walked up to her bedroom, and laid down on the bed. There were dried tears visible on her face. She had a hard time sleeping that night. She couldn't, knowing that her best friend was in a coma. And he might never wake up.

Why must life be so cruel?

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