Not Interested

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A/N: Sorry for the first chapter. Its all over the place, I don't know why I posted it like that, but I don't feel like rewriting it, cuz I would have to delete some parts and it would be a spoiler otherwise. Ill just leave it like that and hope to make more since in the upcoming chapters. Thank you for reading. I love you

"Hello pretty boy." Hyunjin greeted him.

Jeongin looked at him, blinking, not saying anything. He was just staring. Up close Hyunjin was pretty. Jeongin could see why he was popular among the students.

Hyunjin smirked at Jeongin, knowing the boy was staring at his face, so he made it obvious when he checked Jeongin from head to toe. At that Jeongin arched a brow.

"Like what you see?" Jeongin asked.

"Very much." Hyunjin smiled.

"I am Hyunjin by the way." He said.

"And I am not interested." Jeongin told him.

Hyunjin didn't expected that answer so he stood there with his mouth open.

"Close that pretty mouth of yours before a fly goes in. Chan, I see you with the other idiots, stop hiding and let's go home." Jeongin said, looking Hyunjin in the eyes.

Chan freed himself and jogged towards Jeongin.

"I told you to not be late, why are you playing games?" Jeongin asked.

"Yeah, I am sorry for that." Chan told him with a smile.

Behind them Felix and Jisung were heading for Hyunjin who still looked stunned, not expecting this outcome of events.

"We are so sorry for his behavior. Please don't be mad at him." Jisung told Hyunjin.

"Yeah, he is usually very sweet when you get the chance to know him." Felix added.

They both were apologizing for Jeongin's behavior. Well, Hyunjin was kind of pissed at the boy for his attitude, but that made him even more interested so, he waved the boys, saying it was all right. No harm was done after all.


"You were kind of rude towards the boy." Chan told him.

"And you were late, when I told you not to be." Jeongin said.

"They dragged me to see if Hyunjin really wanted to talk to you alone. Apparently, he is shy around us." Chan smiled.

Jeongin punched Chan in the arm.

"You idiots left me alone with a stranger!" Jeongin said angrily.

"We were there, Innie. Nothing was going to happen. I would not let anything happen to you and you know it." Chan said grabbing Jeongin's hand, intertwined their fingers.

"Still, that is not an excuse Channie." Jeongin said tugging at his hand.

"I am sorry." Chan said.

You could see the hurt on his face. He really felt sorry for leaving Jeongin alone like that. Jeongin saw that and decided to change the topic.

"I am starving. I will allow you to buy me some food." Jeongin smiled at Chan.

"Whatever you want, ill get it." Chan visible lightened at that.

Chan was so easy to read. Why his happiness depended on Jeongin being happy? But he was grateful for having Chan in his life. And if not for him he was trying to be happy for Chan.

They went to get dinner, and wandered some more time, not wanting to go home yet. It was late wen they started to head home. Jeongin looked at his phone, not a single message from his parents asking if he would go home soon. This was since he remembers, but still he hoped that one day they will remember that they had a son, and care for him. Because hope is the last thing to die.

"Do you want to stay over?" Chan asked, knowing perfectly well, what made Jeongin sad.

Jeongin looked at his house, and it wasn't a surprise that it was dark. He then looked at Chan and only nodded. He practically lived with Chan by now, from how much time he spends at his house. He had half his closed at Chan's. At this point Chan was his real family. It was a wonder why he refused to officially live with Chan at this point.

The next morning the both overslept, since they stayed up till late night.

At the cafeteria the others where already at the table waiting for Jeongin and Chan. To their surprise Hyunjin was also with them. When they sat down, Hyunjin smiled at Jeongin. The boy just averted his gaze, not in the mood for him now. But this didn't go unnoticed. Felix kicked him under the table.

"Why are you so grumpy in the morning Innie?" Changbin asked.

"Someone insisted staying late and forgot to turn on the alarm." Jeongin said looking at Chan.

"You live together?" Hyunjin asked stunned.

"No, they don't. They just leave next to each other and send some nights together." Jisung said.

"Not like spending nights together, just share the bed." Felix tried to cover for what Jisung said, but made it sound even worse.

"No. We don't live together, but why do you care." Jeongin said pissed.

"Don't be mean Innie. We live next to each other like they said, and just spends a lot of time together since we knew each other from a very long time." Chan smiled at Hyunjin.

Chan was assuming that Hyunjin was here, cuz he liked Jeongin, so he didn't want to be any misunderstandings. Hyunjin visible relaxed and returned Chan's smile.

"Sometimes we fuck." Jeongin said, making Changbin to snort at the statement.

But everyone was shocked at what Jeongin had just said. Including Chan.

"No, you don't!" Felix was fuming at Jeongin.

"How do you know? Were you there?" Jeongin asked.

"Don't lie Innie." Felix said angrily.

"I am not lying. We are sex addict. Why do you think we spend so much time together at his home?" Jeongin asked again.

Changbin was laughing out loud now. This was too funny now.

"Yeah, sometimes Binnie comes for a threesome. We like to keep the party going in the bed." Jeongin said, winking at Changbin, who high-fived him.

"Chan, say the truth." Felix demanded.

"What truth Felix? In what position we do it with Channie? Or how Binnie likes us? I am pissed of you finding me a boyfriend. I can do it myself." Jeongin spat.

He was angry with Felix. This wasn't the first time he interfered. Jeongin wasn't ready for a boyfriend. But he wasn't in the mood for more arguments so he just stood up, making the chair to fall down, and just stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I am sorry for Innie's behavior. We aren't like that. He was just joking. A bad joke." Chan apologized for Jeongin's behavior and stormed after the boy, to calm him down.

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