Are you okey?

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Hyunjin didn't talk with Jeongin the whole weekend, not like the other tried to reach him. He was so mad at him. Good think he didn't knew that Jeongin spend the two days with Chan. Jeongin babbling about the fun they had at the club, how he should come the next time. It wasn't a surprise for Chan, when Jeongin told him he has a crush on Hyunjin now. Chan was really happy for him. He wanted Jeongin to be happy even though he wasn't the reason for his smile.

On Monday Jeongin decided to be frank with Hyunjin.

"Can we talk?" Jeongin asked.

"Talk about what?" Hyunjin said annoyed.

"About the kiss." Jeongin said shyly.

"What about it?" He still hasn't looked at the boy, mad at him. He knew that all anger would leave him if he looked at him.

"Did it mean something to you? Because for me it did." He spoke.

Hyunjin looked at the boy so fast he felt dizzy. Did he hear right? The kiss means something for Jeongin?

"It did?" Was all Hyunjin could manage to say. He was beyond happy.

"Yeah." He said all shy now.

Hyunjin loved that side of him. When he got too shy and was afraid to look you in the eyes so, he did everything to avert his gaze. When the tip of his ears got red. He was just perfect. So, he just placed his hands on the boy's neck and crushed their lips together. Jeongin placing his hand on Hyunjin's waist bringing him even closer, melting into the kiss.

"Do you want to try dating?" Hyunjin asked, breaking the kiss.

"Yeah... Yeah. Dating sounds great." Jeongin said out of breath.

On lunch time Hyunjin was practically glued to Jeongin. Holding his hand with both his hands, his head on the boy's shoulder. When the others came, they all were stunned from the sudden closeness. Only Chan was aware from what was happening, so he smiled at Jeongin. The boy smiling back with a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Did we miss on something?" Jisung asked.

"Me and Innie decided to date." Hyunjin beamed.

"But you are still m number one fan, right?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, nothing could change that." Jeongin smiled.

Everyone was happy at the news. Though Changbin spared a glance at Chan, who was smiling fondly at Jeongin. If Chan was all right with it, then he was all right as well.

But nothing was all right.

"Are you sure you are okey with all of this?" Changbin asked Chan.

It's been two weeks since Jeongin started dating Hyunjin. Two weeks in which Chan was seeing Jeongin only at lunch break or late at night when Jeongin came to see him unless it was weekend night, because then the boy was out clubbing with the dancers.

"Ofcourse I am all right. Why do you ask?" Chan asked, not looking at Changbin knowing damn well what he meant.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Changbin knows how close Chan is with Jeongin. And he didn't like the fact that Hyunjin was consuming all of Jeongin's time. To be honest Changbin missed the boy as well, because Chan took him everywhere he went. And for the years he knew Chan, Jeongin was always with him. Changbin liked the kid. How he made Chan smile more, how he inspired him. Chan was so much more with Jeongin around. Changbin was a close friend of Chan, not as close as Jeongin, but they knew each other for a very long time. At a point where Changbin could read Chan as an open book. Even though he said he was okey, he could tell that Chan was lying. And he wasn't the only one seeing it. Jisung and Seungmin saw it as well, since they were left behind as well. They didn't expect from Minho to befriend them, but Hyunjin? He was Jeongin's boyfriend now. Why was he separating them like that? And why was Felix okey with all of that? Probably because he wasn't left behind like the others.

"Last night." Chan told him.

"And for how long?" Changbin asked.

"Jeongin fell asleep immediately. But I am okey with this Binnie. No matter what He stills returns to me. He always does." Chan smiled.

"Are you sure he will?" Changbin asked ending the topic knowing that this will give Chan a thought to think over it.

And it did. Chan started wondering about it. Will Jeongin return to him? He knew that Hyunjin didn't liked him and avoided him. He knew that Hyunjin asked Jeongin to not take Chan with him since Jeongin himself told him. The poor boy wanting to please Hyunjin and at the same time didn't want to hurt Chan. Jeongin had assured him that this was temporary, that things will cool down once Hyunjin felt like Chan wasn't a threat anymore. But will that time come, and if then when?


"Are you sure you want this?" Jeongin asked breaking the kiss with Hyunjin.

"I told you Innie, I want this. I want you." Hyunjin breathed heavily.

It's been a month now and Jeongin was wondering wasn't this still soon? Or he was just modest? Hyunjin has started kissing him again. A kiss filled with lust. Jeongin the felt Hyunjin's hands on his crotch. This was happening Jeongin thought. Was he ready for this? Did he want it as much as Hyunjin? He didn't had time to think more since he felt Hyunjin take off his pants with his underwear in the process. Hyunjin wasted no time, grabbing Jeongin's manhood and slowly jerking him off, making Jeongin to whimper at the touch. And that turned Hyunjin even more on. He loved Jeongin's reaction, but this was new and he loved it. This was his favorite reaction so far and he wanted to see it even more. He wanted to see Jeongin on the verge of sanity. How the boy would lose himself in the passion. He took him in his mouth, his gaze never leaving Jeongin. The boy had his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, sweet sounds leaving it. Hyunjin could came right here and now just from the view.

"I am close." Jeongin moaned.

Hyunjin sucked harder at that, wanting to ruin the boy. And he could fell that he was close.

"C-Chan!" Jeongin breathed when he came down Hyunjin's troth.

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