Dance with me pretty boy

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"Hello pretty boy." Hyunjin beamed.

Jeongin was startled, dropping all his stuff.

"Someone is happy early in the morning." Jeongin said after collecting everything from the floor, ignoring the part where Hyunjin called him pretty again.

"I am starting my day with your pretty face, of course I'll be happy." Hyunjin winked.

At this, Jeongin just choked on air. Was Hyunjin flirting, or just being strangely nice? He was flirting. Hyunjin decided that if he wanted Jeongin's full attention he had to fight for it. So, he decided to be bolder, braver. Always finding a way for their hands to brush. When Hyunjin gathered the courage, he intertwines their pinkies. It was a small act but for Hyunjin meant so much. And soon after they were holding hands. He was so close now. Just one more step and the friendship line will be crossed. And Hyunjin wanted it so bad. His little crush turned into a big fat one. For the few months he had to know the other he had fallen so hard for him. Jeongin was sweet, interesting. Easy to talk with, to be with. Sometimes he was feisty. A side that Hyunjin learnt to love. Even him being clumsy was cute. But there were still Chan. But there was much more that Hyunjin didn't know. He didn't know that in the end of the day, Jeongin was going home to Chan. Spending long nights together talking, chilling.

"They are opening a new club in town." Minho said one day after their practice ended.

"We could go and see it. The four of us." Hyunjin said looking at Jeongin.

At this point Jeongin knew that Hyunjin didn't liked Chan that much. Still wondering why. Chan didn't do anything wrong. He would ask sometime why Hyunjin avoided Chan so much.

"I don't know. I don't go clubbing and I am bad at dancing." Jeongin said shyly.

"Come on Innie. It will be fun. Please come with us." Felix pleaded.

"Yeah, come on Innie. It will be fun." Minho joined.

"Okey, why not." Jeongin said finally. Like he could say no to Minho.

It will be something new for him. With all the time he had spend with Chan, he never went clubbing or something like that. It's not like he wanted and Chan hadn't shown any interest as well.

"We will have a good time pretty boy." Hyunjin smiled.

Hyunjin has called him pretty so many times at this point that Jeongin got used to it. He took it for granted.

The days went by fast. It was Friday night and Jeongin was getting ready for the night out.

"What do you wear at a club?" He mumbled to himself.

He should have asked Felix to go shopping but it was to late now. So, he put some ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked himself at the mirror and ruffled his hair. Yeah, that would do. He was ready.

He was the first to arrive so he decided to go on the line and wait there for the others. Everyone waiting to enter the club were so glamorous. Suddenly he felt underdressed.

"Look at our pretty boy." Minho beamed.

Jeongin turned around looking at the others. Yeah, he was underdressed. They looked stunning. Clothes, hair, make up. Everything was on point. No wonder they were late. Suddenly Hyunjin placed his hand on Jeongin's waist and brought him closer to him, not looking his way. Jeongin was confused.

"Look at Innie, not even trying and still bringing all the gazes his way." Minho said.

Even thought Jeongin was dressed plainly he stood up among the others. Bringing the attention to him. Not because he was plain himself, but because he was indeed pretty. They waited a half an hour more until they entered. This was so new to Jeongin. The atmosphere was new. Dim lights, the air smelled of alcohol, perfume and sweat. They ordered some cocktails and found a table. It was fun. Talking or rater shouting over the loud music. Jeongin wasn't dancing with the others, just smiling at them. They tried to lure him to dance but to no avail. At the middle of the night, they all were tipsy. Jeongin decided to go to the toilet. It took him a couple of minutes, because his alcohol tolerance wasn't as good as the others. When he tried to return to the others he was swaying on his way, looking like he was actual dancing. He felt hands on him. People were pushing him towards them, wanting to dance with him. It was nice he thought. Then he was yanked by his hand towards someone.

"Dance with me pretty boy." Hyunjin said.

He placed his hands on the boy's waist bringing him closer to him. Their bodes flushed now.

"I told you I can't dance silly." Jeongin giggled.

But he was a jelly in Hyunjin's arms. So, he took the lead. Moving Jeongin's body with his hands, or more like with his own body, since they were so close to each other. And Hyunjin decided that it was his chance now. He looked at Jeongin's lips then his gaze went up to his eyes. Wanting to know if they were on the same page. And apparently, they were on the same pace since Jeongin was looking at his lips. That was his que to move, connecting their lips. Immediately Jeongin placed his hands on Hyunjin's neck bringing him closer, returning the kiss with the same force Hyunjin was using. He broke the kiss looking at Jeongin with a big smile, but the boy brought him back for another kiss. A heated one this time. Hyunjin was on cloud nine at this point. The fact that Jeongin was kissing him back, meant that they crossed the line. They could be so much more. When it was time to go home, Hyunjin was kind of sad not wanting the night to end. But he got furious when they got out of the club.

Chan was there. Waiting. Looking at Jeongin with his shy smile. What was he even doing here? Why was he here?

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked.

"Getting Innie home." He answered.

"Why?" Hyunjin asked with voice filled with hurt.

"I told him to come and get me." Jeongin beamed.

After all the kisses the shared tonight he still called Chan? Hyunjin was so mad right now. Were the kisses nothing for Jeongin? And Jeongin was smiling at Chan like he was his whole world. He despised Chan at this moment so much. He wanted him gone.

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