I've got you

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Hyunjin didn't expect that for sure. He started choking from the cum in his mouth, but more from the name Jeongin moaned when he came. He was beyond mad but when he looked at him, he was confused. Jeongin wasn't looking at him, no. He was looking somewhere behind him with wide eyes. Hyunjin turned around and saw Chan standing at the window.

"What the heck?" He groaned.

"I... I forgot... something and came to get it. I'll come later." Chan said not looking at them.

He was glad that the room was dark, because they would have seen the hurt in his eyes. He glanced one last time at Jeongin, the boy still in shock. With that Chan just left the room, leaving the two boys in stunned.

"How did he get in here?" Hyunjin yelled.

"Calm down Hyunjin. I leave my window open a little, so he could come in." Jeongin explained.

"What do you mean to come in? Innie we are all the time together. Does he come here late at night?" Hyunjin asked.

"When else could I see him? Look, he is my best friend. I can't just ditch him because you are jealous of him Hyunjin." Jeongin said angrily.

"Do you love me, Innie?" Hyunjin decided to ask.

Jeongin didn't answer, nor did he look at Hyunjin.

"You don't?" He whispered.

"Look Hyunjin. I can't talk about love just yet. We've been together for a short time. You can't expect me to just start loving you so fast. Yes, I like you, but I don't love you right now. I need time for that." Jeongin told him.

"Are... Are you by any chances in love with him?" Hyunjin asked fear leaking in his voice.

"What?" Jeongin was stunned from the question.

"Oh my god you are! Are you kidding me?" Hyunjin yelled again.

"I am not in love with him Hyunjin, calm the fuck down." Jeongin yelled back.

"Then if you are not in love with him, prove it. PROVE IT TO ME!" Hyunjin was beyond furious.

"What do you want? Do you want me to cut all ties with him?" Jeongin joked.

"Yes!" Hyunjin deadpanned.

"What?" Jeongin asked, not sure of what he heard.

"You need to choose Innie. Him or me!" Hyunjin told him.

Jeongin stood there looking at him for a couple of minutes not saying anything. The worst part was that Chan was on the other side of the window. He heard everything. It hurts to know that Jeongin wasn't in love with him, but that was okey. But Hyunjin making him choose? Will Jeongin choose him over Hyunjin? But he has neglected him the past month. But they were still friends, right? Jeongin came whenever he could to him. His anxiety went to the sky. Did he wanted to hear Jeongin's answer? Who was he going to choose? His heartrate speeds up, his heart hammering in his chest. Why was he doubting Jeongin now? No, he didn't want to hear his response. He didn't need it. He felt dizzy so, he went home collapsing on his bed, crying.

"Get out." Jeongin deadpanned.

"What?" Hyunjin was surprised.

"I said get. The. Fuck. Out." He said with gritted teeth.

Was Jeongin choosing Chan over him? But everything was going well.

"No, wait. Let's talk. Please!" Hyunjin pleaded.

"Right now, I don't want to see you. Go!" Jeongin said.

Hyunjin didn't want to make things worse, so he just left, not saying anything more. They would talk when Jeongin calmed down. They would be all right again. Hyunjin has made his mind.

The next day everyone sat together at their usual table but the mood was tense. Jeongin sat between Minho and Jisung, not glancing at Hyunjin or Chan. For some reason he was mad at Chan as well. But he was mad at him the most. He allowed for Hyunjin to behave like that. He should have told him that Chan was important to me from the beginning and not to exclude him because Hyunjin simply didn't liked Chan. But to assume he was in love with Chan? Did everyone think the same way? Why things needed to got complicated. Jeongin just groaned slamming his head on the table.

"There, there Innie. Do you want me to beat someone?" Minho said lovingly while stroking the boy's head.

"Yes, please." Jeongin groaned again.

He raised his head. They made things even more complicated. Infront of him he had two drinks. One from Hyunjin and one from Chan. It wasn't unusual for them to get him drinks but now it felt wrong. But Chan didn't know what Hyunjin asked of him. And still it felt not right. He couldn't choose between them. Chan was his everything. His best friend, his family. On the other hand, he liked Hyunjin. He liked the time they spend together. They needed to clear things and fast because he didn't want to lose any of them. He drank both drinks still not looking or talking to anyone. Just staring at the table. Everyone was talking normally expect him and Hyunjin. Chan was hiding the fact he knew what happened yesterday pretty well. But if Jeongin looked at him he could see the hurt in his eyes. It has been a few minutes now and Jeongin started feeling dizzy out of the blue. Was it because he hasn't slept much last night?

"I'll go out for some fresh air. I'll come back." He said standing up.

By the move he felt even more dizzy but ignored it. When he was out, he searched for quieter place because his head was spinning now. What was happening? This has never happened to him. He felt cold sweat on his forehead. It was like his brain has started pulsing. Everything was spinning now. He felt to the ground. His breath erratic. He was scared. Was he dying? He then felt familiar hands on him, holding him, stroking his face gently.

"I've got you. Everything is going to be all right. I've got you." The voice said.

Jeongin knew that voice, but right now he couldn't put a face to it. It felt distend, like the person was walking away, but the touch stayed. The hand on his face was comforting. He believed that everything was going to be all right. Then everything went black. Jeongin has finally lost conscious.

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