What did he ask?

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"Would you calm down!" Hyunjin said nervous.

"How can you expect me to be calm when it has been a few days and he is still missing." Chan said, barely holding himself.

Chan was a ball of nerves at this point. He has been simply functioning on energy drinks by now. It's been four days and Jeongin was nowhere to be seen. Chan hasn't slept since the day he was gone.

"Do you think you are the only one that is worried about him missing? Guess what, you aren't. I am worried as much as you are." Hyunjin yelled.

"Hyunjin, don't go overboard. You can't compare yourself with Chan. He has known Jeongin his whole life, it doesn't matter that you are dating Innie now. Don't take it out on him." Minho said frustrated.

"Are you on his side? Are defending him?" Hyunjin yelled.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!" Chan growled.

Everyone stilled. Chan has never used such a tone before. They never though he was actually capable of it.

"Its all your fault! Do you think I didn't hear what you asked of him?" Chan was crying now. Big fat tears rolling from his eyes.

"What do you mean? What did he ask Jeongin?" Felix asked, voice filled with worry.

"Nothing." Chan said, wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

Hyunjin didn't dare say anything. Chan was right. What if Jeongin run because he made him choose? And the fact that he was hiding what he asked Jeongin to do? He didn't want to push his luck.

"You should go home Chan. We can see you aren't feeling well. Go home and have some rest. Maybe Innie will come home or come by to you and explain where he went." Changbin said, placing his hands on Chan's shoulders squeezing them for comfort.

Chan only nodded. He was in no condition to stay at school anymore anyway. So, the best he could do right now was going home. He didn't even realize when he has arrived in front of his door, or even how he got home. He went straight into his room, looking at the boy on his bed. Still sleeping. Hasn't moved from the day he left him there. Chan was so despaired right now. Did he overdose him? Was Jeongin lighter than he though? Will he weak up? He should have thought of a better way, than finding a substance on the internet. The seller has told him that it would keep him asleep for two to three days but four? Chan was really worried so, he decided if Jeongin isn't awake in two more days hill bring him to the hospital. He just sat there starring at the sleeping boy, hoping that he would open his eyes soon. And again, he didn't sleep that night.

The next day Chan stayed at home, not sleeping or eating. Being even worse then yesterday, he just decided to stay with Jeongin in case he finally woke up. Five days Chan didn't had sleep. He didn't know how he was holding it together. But when he saw Jeongin move he was fast on his side.

"Innie?" Chan said, voice full of hope.

"Channie, I am still tired, give me five more minutes." Jeongin groaned.

"All the time you need Innie." Chan said happy.

Jeongin was awake and that was what mattered. He was okey. Chan laid down next to the boy, hugging him. Jeongin humming in response. And finally, Chan could sleep. The moment he closed his eyes he fells into a slumber. The next time he opens his eyes, Jeongin is gone. Chan quickly stands up.

"Innie?" He yells worried.

At that moment the boy exits the bathroom. Looking at Chan questionable.

"Why are you up so early?" Chan asked.

"We need to go to school silly." Jeongin told him.

"It's Sunday today." Chan said averting his gaze.

"What do you mean Sunday, yesterday was Monday." Jeongin groaned.

The boy took Chan's phone to check and in deed it was Sunday.

"How is that even possible?" Jeongin asked.

Then he remembered. He was feeling sick at school, he remembered Chan telling him it would be all right. But that turned out to be a six days ago. Then he looked at Chan with shock.

"What did you do?" he asked.

Chan only avoided looking at Jeongin. He didn't mean to abduct him. It was on impulse.

"Chan. I asked you something. What. Did. You. Do?" Jeongin said trough gritted teeth.

"I ... I panicked. You have been avoiding me for a month and I though that you..." Chan trailed off not finishing his train of thoughts.

"Come on. I came every night, didn't I?" He said.

"But would you choose me over him?" Chan whispered.

"You heard?" Jeongin said, his eyes going wide.

Chan only nodded. Was no one believing in Jeongin? Did everyone thought that he would choose just one of them? And more importantly why was Chan thinking that he would choose Hyunjin over him. They didn't deserve to know what Jeongin was thinking. If they were selfish, he was going to be selfish as well.

"I want to go home." Jeongin finally said.

"I can't let you go Innie. I haven't thought of this and they found you were missing..." Chan trailed off.

"And you think I'll tell the police?" Jeongin asked not believing what he was hearing.

Chan didn't respond. Meaning that he feared what Jeongin suggested. Jeongin looked for his phone, not finding it on himself or in the room.

"Its not here and you wouldn't need it anymore." Chan said guessing what Jeongin was searching.

"And my parents?" He tried.

"Come on, like they would notice you are gone Innie. You know them. I know them." Chan said.

The truth was painful, they both knew that Jeongin's parents never noticed when he wasn't home. He could go live with Chan for a week or two and the never noticed. But now? Ofcourse they wouldn't. He was old enough to go wherever he wanted.

"And what do you plan to do with me?" Jeongin asked.

"Finish school and we will move somewhere. Just the two of us where no one knows us." Chan said.

"Come on Channie, you can't keep me away from the world." Jeongin groaned.

"I will if the world threatens to separate you from me Innie." Chan deadpanned.

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