1: The News

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I think I just heard the worst news I've ever received in my whole life

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I think I just heard the worst news I've ever received in my whole life...Okay maybe not the worst but it's up there.

My mom just to told me I'm moving...MOVING!! To LA. Like can you believe that?! That's not it though it gets worst. Ready? Ready? I'm moving to live with my biological father and half-siblings. Not a big deal right?


It is a huge problem. I've never met, seen, hell I don't even know their names. Mom won't tell me like I don't get it what are they secret agents? It's honestly stupid. Your probably wondering why I'm moving well basically my mother is Jessica Anderson. She is the boss of this make-up company and it's pretty popular. She always goes away for trips and stuff and doesn't acknowledge me. So she's practically never home.

Therefore I'm being sent away. I just don't get it. I mean I've been taking care of myself for years. What's so wrong about it now? Also why do I have to move in with them? I have other extended family. I can't just move in with one of them? It sucks.

Anyway now I'm on my way to the twins house so I can tell them. We basically only have all of today to hang out because apparently I'm leaving tomorrow and I still have to pack. I don't know how I'm supposed to get everything done. But for now imma just relax and spend the day with jack and Ali.

I'm pulling up to there driveway and I see a lot of cars. That means their parents are home too yess!! I love their parents. Their names are Ross and Christina. They aren't really home a lot like my mom because their lawyers but when they are home they are the best. They know about me and my moms relationship and they treat me like family and I'm so grateful for them.

I walk up to the house and Steve the door man opens it for me "hi Steve" I said greeting him "hello sweetheart" he says back. He's so nice he's been working for the twins family for years and he has the greatest soul ever. I walk inside "YOUR FAVORITE PERSON IS HERE" I yelled. I heard laughing from Ross and Christina and a scoff from the twins.

When I get to the kitchen they are having breakfast.
I go up to Ross and Christina and hug them "hello my favorite parents" I said. They laugh and hug me back "good morning scar" they replied. Jack scoffs again and says "it's like you love her more than us" I smirked at jack "don't be jealous just cause I'm getting more love JJ" he rolls his eyes at the nickname "whatever" he replies. We all laugh. I take a seat at the table "actually speaking of parents, my mom talked to me today" I said they all looked at me curiously. "What did she want" asks Ali.

Shoot I'm scared to tell them.

I take a breath. Okay here we go.

"She's sending me away" i said looking down.





The twins kept yelling stuff while I just stared at the ground. I can feel Ross and Christina's eyes on me. All you hear is shouting from jack and Ali until Ross shushes them down. Ross asks "why and where are you going"? "She's sending me to live with my bio dad and he lives in LA so I'm moving there and it's because she's never home said I need to be watched basically" I roll my eyes.  Their just quiet. "When are you leaving?" Asks Ali. "Tomorrow morning" I said. They just look at me shocked and mad. "I know its too soon I just found out earlier". I said. Mad that my mom didn't tell me sooner.

"Well then let's spend the day together. Me and Ross will take the day off at work" said Christina. I
nodded and so did the twins. "Thanks" I said and smiled. I love them. They ordered pizza and wings and we got some snacks  from the kitchen and took them to their living room to watch movies and play games.

When I had to go back to my house to pack everyone teared up a bit and and we had a group hug. I said goodbye to Christina and Ross because they have work tomorrow and I won't be able to say goodbye then. The twins said they would wake up early and say goodbye to me before I board the plane.

*time skip*

It's a couple hours later and I've packed and took a shower and got my outfit for the morning ready so now I'm going try and get some sleep before I leave tomorrow.

Maybe something good will come out of this...


- Hey guys it's your author here again 👋🏼

- This is my first ever chapter I've written so please comment what you think of it!

- hope y'all have a good day <3

- I'll see you peeps in the next chapter


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