17: Mystery

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Today is my second day of school and I'm already tired of it

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Today is my second day of school and I'm already tired of it. My first period was a nightmare I literally had received so much work from the teacher that I have to do and turn in to catch up.

Now I'm in second period which is Spanish and I'm waiting for my partner to arrive so we can plan what we're making. Today is planning day and everyone is sitting with their partners right now and I'm at a four seat table  with Kaden and Aria across from me.

Cecilia and her partner Atlas are in the table besides us. Here I am being a loner because my partner decided that he's either showing up to class late or not showing up at all.

I know he knows about the project because Kaden told me that he told him and that we're partners. It's not fair that I might fail because he's being an ass about coming.

Like dude just deal with it I don't wanna be partners either but yet here I am.

The teacher gave us all 1 sheet of paper and we have to write down the dishes we're making. There's a section for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert.

The only good thing about waiting is eating my breakfast in class. Yes I am indeed eating the breakfast I didn't get to finish this morning.

Gio took me and Santi out for breakfast even though Alexander said no and that it was unhealthy. Boring.
We accidentally woke up late today so Gio took us to get some breakfast burritos of my choice.

I got a bean and cheese burrito along with an horchata.


I haven't had Mexican food in awhile.

After we got our food we ate it in the car and Gio dropped us off and told us to take the food with us. Santi didn't instead he shoved the whole thing in his mouth. I didn't though but I saved it solely for this class because I knew I would not enjoy being here.

Just as I finished my food and am throwing the trash into the trash bin that's across from me, I hear the classroom door open.

It's Adriano

About time dude.

The teacher immediately goes up to him as soon as he steps fully into the class and I look at his outfit quickly. He's wearing some beige colored cargo pants with a white shirt and a green long sleeved checkered jacket. For shoes he has on some Nike blazers. He also has some rings and a chain on.

Hmm...not bad.

He turns to me and starts walking over to where I am then pulls out the chair and sits.

Nobody says anything.

Goddamn this is so awkward.

"Remember everyone today is just planing day. So that being said discuss the dishes that you and your partner agrees on. Another thing make sure to decide on where you will make these dishes. It can be at one another houses or if not their is a school kitchen but limited spots." Mrs.Garcia says.

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